Rips!!!!!! :(

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B Gymnast

HELP!!! i like never rip, but in the past week i got 2 rips :( one on each hand! i've heard that teabags help, but i don't really understand how you use them...? lol.. but does anyone have any advice that will help my rips heal faster?! preferrably somethind that DOES NOT STING!? thanks in advance!! :D
well anything you do with your hands will sting with rips ;) just another thing to look foawrd to... haha but um neosporn works well with mine overnight, and what ever you do don't put lotion on! it just makes your hands softer and easier to rip . thats what i do hope your hands heel ;)
i've heard that teabags help, but i don't really understand how you use them...?

I just fill a cup with water and put it in the microwave until its hot, then place a tea bag in it, then put the tea bag over your rip and let it just sit there and soak. You can squeeze the tea onto the rip, or push on it to make it work quicker. I've also ripped the tea bag open and put the black stuff inside on my hand on the rip, but I don't know if that's good or not! It seems to work faster though:rolleyes:. Once the rip/skin around it turns an orangey color, you're good to go! Just rinse off your hands so they don't smell like tea, and the rip will dry up quickly! Just don't let it get so dry that it cracks!
Use polysporin, it doesn't sting onlike aloe or vitamen E. Don't let it dry out, keep it moist. I have never tried tea bags, but I have seen others who have and polysporin seems to work better.
They actually make creams for rips and usually any of the gymnastic supply sites will sell it. But for us "Bag Balm" is a wonder. It is an anticeptc ointment and it doesn't have the most pleasent of smells but it does work. It was originally designed to put on cow udders when they get chafed from the milking machines (yes we have dairy farmers in the family). Most Pharmacies have it. I think we get ours at WalMart.
ya all you do is put the tea bag on your hands. and there is this stuff called new skin and i think that kind of helps to but some times you just have to deal with it
HELP!!! i like never rip, but in the past week i got 2 rips :( one on each hand! i've heard that teabags help, but i don't really understand how you use them...? lol.. but does anyone have any advice that will help my rips heal faster?! preferrably somethind that DOES NOT STING!? thanks in advance!! :D
okey dokie hon try a salv type stuff called HandEbalm just cake some on b4 u go 2 bad and but a bandage over it and NO DO NOT USE NEW SKIN!!!
They actually make creams for rips and usually any of the gymnastic supply sites will sell it. But for us "Bag Balm" is a wonder. It is an anticeptc ointment and it doesn't have the most pleasent of smells but it does work. It was originally designed to put on cow udders when they get chafed from the milking machines (yes we have dairy farmers in the family). Most Pharmacies have it. I think we get ours at WalMart.
no bag balm was created for cows craked utters hun :)
RipGuardian for Rips

Have you tried RipGuardian? I don't think it helps get rid of rips quicker but it lets you work out without pain. It's pretty cool. Check it out here: Link Removed.
Polysporin with fast relief healing. It is very cheap, should be able to get it at any corner store such as Walgreens. I believe Walmart has it, too.

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