Sudden drama at practice???

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Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
My team has 8 girls on it.
The day I met two of the girls, they were giving me the looks.
Though, there's one girl, Grace, who's super sweet, and nice, and will stick up for anyone.
Anyway, at practice, Grace wasn't at practice, she's on vacation.
Warmups were pretty normal, pretty slow and quiet.
We train floor first. We stacked 2 spotting blocks on top of each other by the pit. Between the blocks and the pit, we put a mini trampoline. We could either do handstand, back tumbling, OR stand on the blocks and do front stuff.
My coach said to one of the girls who were giving the looks, peyotn, that he'd give $1 to either her or me, (whoever got their 2.5 twisting front layout into the pit first and every additional time until the other girl got her 2.5.
Then, they told me about it. I didn't have much of a choice.
Then, my turn came. I got it on my first try. I didn't say anything afterwards, I just had a huge smile, and some of my teammates have me high-fives.
Then, we went to vault. At the end, we were doing tucks (front or back) off the vault onto a mat. If we stick, we make somebody else to 10 v-ups. If we don't, we do 10 v-ups, and if we fall, we do 20 v-ups.
I ended up last in line. The two girls stuck every tuck and made me do all the v-ups for their stick. I counted all the v-ups I had to do, 270.
After vault, they were on my nerves.
On beam, they were giving my glares.
On bars, they were still glaring at me.
Callie, one of my teammates, talked about it with me. Since Callie and I are the youngest 2 on the team, 13 and 14, they might just be jealous.
After practice, Peyton still didn't get her 2.5. The bet I didn't want to be in in the 1st place is going to continue. I get $1 every 2.5 I make at practice until she gets it.
What should I do?
Right now, I'm ignoring them and sticking close to my 2 closest teammates, and Grace when she gets back.

Thank you for reading this long post, I appreciate your endless support and help:)
Poor coaching tactics. You get to make someone else do v ups? How could any coach think this is a good idea from a team building standpoint? I'd privately tell the coach that I don't want your dollars at the expense of my teammate. Take the high road. Maybe someday they will stop using their successes at your expense (doing v ups). Better yet, find a coach who doesn't play one gymnast against another. I know, easier said than done......
I agree with gymmomtotwo. Talk to the coach let him/her know how you feel and continue to ignore them (hard I know but try). I definitly don't agree with another team mate doing Vups or anything because you got your what ever.

Don't be afraid also to share with your mom what you have said here. She is on your side and can get more done with the coach.
A friendly competition between teammates is one thing, but it almost sounds like the coach is pitting girl against girl. He might be doing this to try to inspire the girls to try harder, and maybe he's oblivious to the tension, but it's not working in the way he hoped. (Giving him the benefit of the doubt). Our team does contests, but I've yet to see cash change hands. Try to ignore them OP, keep close to your friends, and if you don't feel comfortable talking to the coach yourself talk to your parents. They are your advocate in the gym. It does sound really stressful though, and that takes some of the fun out of your gym time. :-(
Nice idea, but I'd never pit kids vs kids. No way. Perhaps in a Team A, Team B, Team C fashion. or vs myself.
I don't understand why teammates are forced to do conditioning when someone succeeds?? That seems psychologically backwards. When I played sports, it was everyone conditions when you lose focus or don't try hard enough. That was motivation for you to work harder for the sake of the team, which makes sense on some level.

As to the $1, that one is only slightly better. I don't have much issue with challenging a group and giving some small prize to the first one to get something. Usually in these situations, the prize is something small like the winner doesn't have to put equipment away after practice or something. An ongoing payment to you so long as she doesn't get the skill seems like rubbing salt in a wound.

Part of this is likely that they're simply envious, and that's not going to change no matter how your coach chooses to motivate or run practice. When you do practice routines and get scores, they're going to be ticked if your score is higher than theirs. Given that, I think your best bet is to get used to some girls being a bit unpleasant and just grin and bear it.
I can't believe your coach thought this one through before getting it started. Your coach probably thinks every girl on the team is sweet as can be, and that no one is ever cursed with envy.

Your coach needs an eye opening conversation, and should step up immediately to bring the girls giving you the looks, back to reality. Ask him or her coach to consider what 270 v-ups over a short period of time can do to the rest of your practice. Tell the coach you hate being put in the middle of a situation that could leave you having to explain the open sores you likely have on your tail bone, to your parents or the doctor you are taken to in the event of a local infection that spreads.

Go get that coach out of the fairy tale land, open his or her eyes to reality. If the coach blows it off, show him or her the sores I suspect you have, and then walk away to continue on with your practice to allow them a moment......
I already told my mom, she had a similar response to you guys...Though, he's new, and not the HC, thankfully.
Since practice is already done for today, I'll talk to him tomorrow.
I'll keep you guys updated and I'll be back after practice tomorrow, wish me luck. I hope my coach understands.
Thanks for the help:)
My team has 8 girls on it.
The day I met two of the girls, they were giving me the looks.
Though, there's one girl, Grace, who's super sweet, and nice, and will stick up for anyone.
Anyway, at practice, Grace wasn't at practice, she's on vacation.
Warmups were pretty normal, pretty slow and quiet.
We train floor first. We stacked 2 spotting blocks on top of each other by the pit. Between the blocks and the pit, we put a mini trampoline. We could either do handstand, back tumbling, OR stand on the blocks and do front stuff.
My coach said to one of the girls who were giving the looks, peyotn, that he'd give $1 to either her or me, (whoever got their 2.5 twisting front layout into the pit first and every additional time until the other girl got her 2.5.
Then, they told me about it. I didn't have much of a choice.
Then, my turn came. I got it on my first try. I didn't say anything afterwards, I just had a huge smile, and some of my teammates have me high-fives.
Then, we went to vault. At the end, we were doing tucks (front or back) off the vault onto a mat. If we stick, we make somebody else to 10 v-ups. If we don't, we do 10 v-ups, and if we fall, we do 20 v-ups.
I ended up last in line. The two girls stuck every tuck and made me do all the v-ups for their stick. I counted all the v-ups I had to do, 270.
After vault, they were on my nerves.
On beam, they were giving my glares.
On bars, they were still glaring at me.
Callie, one of my teammates, talked about it with me. Since Callie and I are the youngest 2 on the team, 13 and 14, they might just be jealous.
After practice, Peyton still didn't get her 2.5. The bet I didn't want to be in in the 1st place is going to continue. I get $1 every 2.5 I make at practice until she gets it.
What should I do?
Right now, I'm ignoring them and sticking close to my 2 closest teammates, and Grace when she gets back.

Thank you for reading this long post, I appreciate your endless support and help:)

hello there young lady. i want to suggest that you don't use any "real" names cause some of us might know where you're from and it would be uncomfortable for you with those same girls back at the gym if you're found out.

also, you were being bribed with "fake" money, right? it must've not been real, i know...cause the NCAA might frown on that. so, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, capiche?:)
I already told my mom, she had a similar response to you guys...Though, he's new, and not the HC, thankfully.
Since practice is already done for today, I'll talk to him tomorrow.
I'll keep you guys updated and I'll be back after practice tomorrow, wish me luck. I hope my coach understands.
Thanks for the help:)

Thanks for letting us know what you're up to. It's nice to know that somebody out there is listening.....and when this is all through we can play monopoly, but only if I get Park Place and Boardwalk!
I spoke with the coach today, it went okay. He understood what I was trying to say, and said that he'd change his coaching technique. He said that he appreciated me telling him, since he is fairly new, a month or so of coaching.
So, now my coach has Sunday to clean up his act before practice Monday.
I hope it goes well, I'm kinda nervous.
Good for you! It's great that you had the confidence to speak up to your coach and give him some constructive feedback. Coaches and teachers make mistakes and need those conversations too.
You just help a coach do what all coaches want to do......get better at coaching and mentoring their athletes.

Congrats on a good bit of work! On behalf of all coaches who try their best......I thank you!

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