Just recently our gym has pulled two girls from rec who have only been doing gymnastics a short while, girl one 3 weeks and girl two weeks, girl 1 - from th day she started rec seemed way above thither who usually start rec, she was flexible, jumpy, high energy and loved to show off, that is what got her noticed, she used to bounce around doing cartwheels and one handed cartwheels, she was put into my youngest daughters group and even from the first lesson didn't seem to like taking orders, couldn't understand what the coach wanted her to do (she was asked to do a handstand off the block with support - front handspring prep and she kept doing round off's off the block and even hurt the coach), this girl seems to be a natural gymnast (nice form doing jumps etc) if only she could pay attention and focus, this girl (according to my daughter) cried at the door and refused to join in and hasn't been seen since, who knows if she will be back). Girl 2 is short for her age, taught herself stuff at home as she loved gym so much, got noticed at rec and got put into my daughters group, she is a lovely girl and became my daughters best gym friend from the first time she started the group, this girl acts a bit silly for her age (nearly 9) and mucks about in the gym, she has been known to swing in the bars when a elite girl is starting her routine (same bars according to my daughter), run across the floor while a team mate is in the Middle of her floor routine, things are hard for her as she is not doing the doing the competition as she is still on trial for the group, one of the coaches has spoken to her mum and told her about the focus issues (her mum asked), I think our gym is pulling new girls too quickly from rec at the moment as they haven't been in the sport long enough to know how things work.