Anonymous (a897)
I don’t know if this is true everywhere, but it seems like the round off often gets neglected after preteam to the point that it is rarely worked on at all past levels 2 to maybe 3. We’ve been part of several local gyms and this has been our experience. When watching competitions I’ve noticed that the round off is often the actual problem in floor, vaulting etc. and not the actual skill. For example, a kid struggling with bent/froggy legs in a BHS usually has a round off problem yet the focus in
practice seems to be on the BHS skill rather than the RO that is being landed with chest down and knees well in front of feet. Even at high optional levels, the biggest issue with many yurechenko vaults is the landing of the RO with feet behind the COM which causes a kid to be too high on the table, but I’ve almost never seen optionals working on RO technique. Is this consistent with what others have observed, and if so, why is the RO so neglected when it is so fundamental to so many skills at all levels? It seems like many kids would benefit from 30 minutes or more of RO work every week from my casual observations.
practice seems to be on the BHS skill rather than the RO that is being landed with chest down and knees well in front of feet. Even at high optional levels, the biggest issue with many yurechenko vaults is the landing of the RO with feet behind the COM which causes a kid to be too high on the table, but I’ve almost never seen optionals working on RO technique. Is this consistent with what others have observed, and if so, why is the RO so neglected when it is so fundamental to so many skills at all levels? It seems like many kids would benefit from 30 minutes or more of RO work every week from my casual observations.