Books (fiction) for young gymnasts

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Sep 4, 2011
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PB is a huge reader, but I've had some trouble finding books that weren't too "old" for her. The McKenna books are borderline too much for her (more, I think it just looks intimidating to her). Plus, I think it might be hard for her to relate to a 4th grader (PB is in Kindergarten, just a very strong reader). I was surfing on Amazon, and ended up ordering a bunch of paperbacks with the "4 for 3" deal (buy 4 get one free). They are PERFECT! Nice thing about Amazon is that I can steal a look at a couple of pages to gauge if it'll be too easy or too hard:

This one is borderline too easy for her, but she loves the pictures.
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This one is her favorite by far. She wants to buy the whole series.
The Worst Gymnast (Go Girl #2)
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PB LOVES fairies and LOVES gymnastics, so I thought this would be a big hit. She still likes it, but loves the "Go Girl" book better:
Gemma the Gymnastics Fairy (Rainbow Magic: Sports Fairies #7)
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Hey- DD LOVED the Rainbow Fairies book (Gemma is one of the books in the Sports series) series in K and 1st grade. I interlibrary loaned a series at a time- there's lots... sports, flower, color, pet, weather, etc.

Not all gymnastics related- but a great series for her age/ability level.

BTW she owns "I Want to be a Gymnast" and still looks at it- it's pretty basic, but appealing, and interesting with lots of pics of kids their age.

There are two new series out right now too- there was a thread on here a few weeks ago-
one is:
"The Go For Gold Gymnasts" by Dominique Moceanu looks a little "old" for a Kindergartner in subject matter- but may be ok. I am going to order them for DD, I'll let you know how they are.

The other new series eludes me I will have to look for the thread to find out, I forgot...
My DD just finished 1st grade and read the two Gym Rats books this year fairly easily: Basic Training and Toe Jam. I think she probably could have read them last year in Kindergarten. You can find them on Amazon also. She is currently reading the 2nd Mckenna book right now but those are taking her longer to read.

She loved Gemma the Gymnastics Fairy too when she was that age!
The Dominique Moceanu Go For the Gold books are definitely more suitable for older girls -- I'd say 9-12 or thereabouts. I read the first one and it actually deals with some fairly heavy subject matter -- the main character is a newly qualified junior elite gymnast and she finds out one of her teammates has an eating disorder and struggles with whether to keep her friend's secret or not. There's also some mean-girl behavior from some of the teammates and the main character is a bit sassy/sarcastic. For older girls it would be just fine, in fact I was surprised by how well written it was for a tween book, but for a kindergartener it would be way too much.
What about the Junior Gymnasts series?

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