camp..flyaways and kips

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Dec 16, 2007
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Today was my first day of summer camp and it was so fun! The gym I'm doing camp at has great coaches and great equipment (unlike our small poverty gym:P) so it was awesome ...and i think I'm gonna learn so much here in just a week!

I already got my long kip!!! which i didn't think i would EVER get because i couldn't figure out the technique. I'm SOO excited!!! The first one i tried was the same as my usual not even close long kips. After that i asked the coach if she could explain the technique to me and after she did i just did it!!!! with straight arms and everything. lol sorry im excited. (bars is a major weakness for me).

I also want to learn flyaways cause they have a pit bar, but evidentally (sp) i fail at flyaways :P We were doing the dead cow things but im just to scared to do flip it! Before i go i say I'm gonna do it, and im confident and everything but then in the middle of it I'm like omg because i think im gonna go backwards and hit the bar. I'v never done a flyaway in my life, or even thought about doing one but this week i really want to get it (possibly good anough so i can work on them at my gym without a pit).

I'v read some of the other flyaway threads but does anyone have advice on how to not hit the bar, or can someone walk me through the technique of a flyaway (when to let go etc.)
all my goals for this week are: get a consistent and tight long kip, get my low bar kip again (consistent and tight), get over my fear of flyaways and at least flip it into the pit, do a full twist off the tumble track onto a hard mat in the pit, and work on 1/2 - full twisting vaults.
sorry about rambling on but im excited :D
Glad you are having fun and congrats on the lh kip!! Good luck on your flyaway this week, Im sure they will be fun when you get them! my dd imagines herself doing things before she tries them so they dont feel as scary.
That's exciting! What camp are you at? Good luck with the flyaway.
That's exciting! What camp are you at? Good luck with the flyaway.

I'm just going to a camp at a gym near where i live, nothing crazy and exciting like woodward or anything lol.

today i didn't do any more long kips but i did flip my flyaway (landed on my knees though) and after doing it i think 5 times and making a different mistake for the first 4 times i think i've figured it out!! The coach said my last one was really good (minus the landing on the knees part) so I'm excited to work on them tomorrow.
..i also got my back layout 1.5 off the double mini. :)
WOW I wish I could go to a camp. On the flyaways, because I have had that problem for the summer (I just started hitting my toes on the bar and it is annoying!), keep your arms straight and push the bar away. Whatever you do, DO NOT PULL THE BAR or else you will hit your toes on the bar and it is not fun trust me lol. Have fun at camp! COuld you explain tome how to do a long hang kip that would be great, I have trouble with it too.
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WOW I wish I could go to a camp. On the flyaways, because I have had that problem for the summer (I just started hitting my toes on the bar and it is annoying!), keep your arms straight and push the bar away. Whatever you do, DO NOT PULL THE BAR or else you will hit your toes on the bar and it is not fun trust me lol. Have fun at camp! COuld you explain tome how to do a long hang kip that would be great, I have trouble with it too.

ya, on one of my flyaways i pulled in on the bar and literally landed underneath the bar :O it was so scary, but the coach saved me lol

and for the long kip first of all she told me i needed more power in my swing. Then she told me about this type of swing you're supposed to do (forget what it's called) where you start out hollow then when your horizontal you straighten your body (so you're almost or slightly arched) then you get hollow again, snap your feet to the bar, and use that snap as power to get up to the bar (pulling up pants:P) sort of thing. lol im not very good at explaining things. I also think the bars were also a little closer than usual which might have helped.

good luck on your long kip (i'm sure you will get it if you keep practicing! I seriously thought i would never get it and i did.)
and thanks for the advice on the flyaways! =D
To not hit your feet on the bar on your flyaway, all you need to do is swing up-look for your toes-keep your shoulders open-let go-and flip. They can be a scary thing to learn, but once you figure it out they're a blast. Good luck and keep making yourself go for it.
ugh i can never cast high enough on my flyaways so I'm horizontal and get the feeling of being weightless (as my coach says). I always rush it and go way to early. I used to almost get high enough but now they're not even close, but this only happened on the last day so hopefully it was a one day thing and they will get better.

sadly camp is over now :( so i won't be able to work on flyaways until september (if i even will be allowed to/ or can with limited mats and no pit). depressing...yes! lol

thanks again everyone.
for flyaways on way that we were taught was to first not pull in to the bar. you to ride the swing (if that makes sense) or to keep extended in the hips and shoulders then let go when you see your toes and flip.

hope this helps!

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