WAG Live scoring

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Proud Parent
Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
We recently moved my daughter to a new region. We absolutely LOVE 99.9 percent of it. However, we have noticed that this particular region doesn't seem to post meet scores very quickly. In our old region they had live scoring and always had the scores up by the following Monday or Tuesday. I am wondering what other regions do? I really like the live scoring, I hope it catches on here soon.
I think live scoring is really hit and miss no matter where you are. I find that the small meets tend not to have it.
Yep, it's hit or miss out here in region 1- at least for us! Some use "beyond the gym" app, some use live scoring from meetscoresonline and others don't use live scoring but you can usually find them on mymeetscores a day or 2 after the meet is over. And, there are others that we never see the final results! Kinda wish they all used the same method, but that would be too easy! HA
Just used live scoring for the first time. My daughter wasn't competing but we were tracking some friends while we were at home. It's very cool, but never used in our area. It's very rare for meet scores to even turn up on mymeetscores unless it's one of our bigger invitationals. I really do hope the live scoring catches on in our area.
I went to one meet that had live scoring and it was my nephew's meet. In the nearly 7 years that my DD has been competing, I have never seen it at one of her meets. Most, though not all, of the scores do end up, eventually, on mymeetscores. It is a cool thing, for sure, and I can see how you would get hooked on it if it was something you were used to, but having not ever had it, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Awards are long and tedious enough when you DON'T know who is going to win. If I knew the results going in, I would REALLY wish that they could just hand the winning gymnasts a baggie with their medals in it and let us go home!
I don't like live scoring. I think it really brings out the worst in the parents. And you find the parents are more glued to the score board than the actuall competition. At one meet I knew parents that were telling their child they had won first before the meet was actually over. it was 95% over. Then their child did not place. How do you explain that?

And then you have what happened to me last year when the parent next to me stated that she needed my dd (who was last up for the whole session) to score less than XXX so that her dd could get a medal at the state meet. Yeah, thank you very much for actively, to my face, wishing my dd to do poorly.

Actually now that I think about it, I hate live scoring!
Great points my4buffaloes. I was mainly thinking about live scoring that shows up right away (or close to it) on meetscoresonline. It was great to be able to keep up with kiddos from a distance. When I think about your example, I cringe. We do have one gym that has a "leaderboard" but I never even pay attention to it. I never thought about parents camping out by it to learn their kid's placement. I generally have a good idea of where my kid will place before we get to awards, but that's because she's been competing against the same group of kids for years and I generally know what scores will place well and where she is at in that spectrum. I never keep track of kid's scores outside of our team. I just think that's rude. I can see how live scoring would make that practice easier and make some probably very nice people pass over into CGM territory. Yikes!
We live in a region that uses real time quite often. I like it, not just for my daughter's session, but also her teammates who are often in different sessions. It makes it easier to follow the competition. I will say, though, I tend to feel more relaxed in the meets without realtime scoring.
We didn't have real time scoring, meaning that it usually took a couple of days to get the scores up. But here, they don't get the scores up until season is almost over. It's kind of weird. I don't think I would like the live scoring that my4 buffalos is speaking of, the kind that is happening during the meet, that would trip me out a little bit. But it is nice to see the scores a few days after to see how they and their team stacked up in the other levels that we didn't watch.
Yikes, buffalos, that is pretty brutal!! I just wanted to add to my response earlier, that most of the live scoring I was talking about you can usually check online that day or a day later! The only meet that actually have live scoring, as in a screen at the meet, with the play by play of all the girls was at state. But, going into the 4th event, they stopped so we had no idea what place the girls actually got until the awards!
I've never seen the type of live scoring my4buffaloes is talking about! I can barely keep track of my own DD's scores at a meet - never mind her teammates or the other girls! Awards are always a surprise ;). We usually can get the scores on the host gym's website a day or two later.
Our gym uses live scoring. The meet we were at last weekend used it also. So far those are the only two in our area that have used it. As the person in charge of scoring for our home meets I LOVE the software that we use. It is so amazingly simple compared to our old one. On the other hand I was suprised to find out that I didn't really enjoy it as just a spectator. Like someone else said, awards were even more boring because I already knew the results. I didn't like knowing exactly what my DD needed in order to place somewhere....it made the meet much more stressful for me. I have very much decided that I like the unkown lol.

But it was nice being able to keep up with other girls from our gym in later sessions that we weren't at while we were making the drive home.

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