WAG Sharing Leotards

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Feb 20, 2013
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I’m interested to hear what other’s opinions are about girls sharing competition leotards as they get into their teen years. If they could be washed and dried in the washing machine and dryer I wouldn’t have an issue with it. But every comp leo I’ve seen must be hand washed. I’m uncomfortable with it, but I am also over the top with cleanliness so it could just be me!
I absolutely would buy a used comp leo if my DD outgrew hers .I hand wash with hot water and soap. I would wash one the we bought used and I don't feel concerned any major germs would survive.
Seems like more of a logistical issue to me so I doubt this is something most people consider or worry about.
I have never heard of sharing competition leotards, except as an emergency (someone forgot theirs and borrows someone not competing that day...or something happened to a girls Leo and a new one hasn’t arrived yet).

My issue with sharing would be who is paying? Who gets to keep it? Who is washing it (I’ve seen parents ruin leos not washing them properly, or one kid is extreme sweater and the sweat ruins the mystique fabric...and I would not want my kid wearing the Leo ruined by another)? Who takes priority when girls are competing at the same time (girls can potentially be competing in different gyms at the same time, or back to back where one is warming up while the other is still competing)?

It just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I’d rather my kid just had her own.
Some of the gyms in the UK loan out their leotards, is this what you are alluding to? The gym owns them and either loans or lends them to gymnasts each competition. I would assume that each leotard is worn once and then washed so I wouldn’t have a problem with it.
I would definitely be fine if someone passed down their comp leo to me. They are so expensive (mine was $350) that I feel like it is a waste of money if it is only worn for 1 or 2 seasons (which is approximately 8 to 16 times.) But only if it is in good condition and has no major flaws. Of course I would make sure to wash it well.
Thank you for your input everyone! Didn’t mean to be elusive. The offer was made for parents to buy a competition leotard (obviously at a very reduced price) from girls who have left the sport or gym and are not using them anymore. So “sharing” was probably not the best word to choose. Many parents like to take advantage of that so I was just curious if I was alone in balking at the idea. It seems as though I am and maybe I should reconsider.
Buying a second hand competition leo is usually a great deal, on the condition that it has been washed correctly and looks good (as stated above, some girls are harder on leos than others, and some don’t know how to wash them correctly). At our gym, second hand competition leotards are usually worth about 1/2 of the cost of the brand new one, significant savings for something that has usually only been worn for a season or two (at the most) of meets.

ETA: I would definitely inspect the leo first, to make sure it looks like new. If not, I would not be interested.
At our gym, no-one buys their comp leos, they're given to us on loan at the beginning of the season and we return them at the end. All the parents know how to wash them and we have never had a problem.
Thank you for your input everyone! Didn’t mean to be elusive. The offer was made for parents to buy a competition leotard (obviously at a very reduced price) from girls who have left the sport or gym and are not using them anymore. So “sharing” was probably not the best word to choose. Many parents like to take advantage of that so I was just curious if I was alone in balking at the idea. It seems as though I am and maybe I should reconsider.

Definitely reconsider!!! Many of our girls sell their comp leos to someone smaller. My daughter passed on 3, as a matter of fact!
If I "get" what you're asking, just make sure that when you get it, you wash the private areas pretty well ;)
I try not to over think it, but i have bought a second hand leo to compete. I wash all our Leo’s in the washing machine (including comp ones) and hang to dry. In fact, many sites say do not hand wash (our last ozone even said this.)

Our gym does ask the girls to wear briefs with them, but you could always add some briefs.

(Mine are still little girls and it still weirds me out about sharing.)
The idea grossed me out until my daughter outgrew her competition leo one year into the leo's three-year lifespan and I found out that our choices were to participate in a leo swap for free or to pay even more for a new one than we'd paid for the original. Suddenly the idea of a used leo didn't seem quite so icky. Many of the older girls wear briefs anyway.
Honestly, I think it's gross too. If it was one that was only worn once or twice and was in absolutely perfect condition, I'd take it. Some leos just look nasty by the end of one season.
Even if I think it's icky, I think to my teen daughter and the random text requests by her teammates on the way to the gym, I would be surprised if she hasn't worn someone else's or let someone borrow one of her practice leo's before. For girls that feel like they live at the gym (and have lockers with supplies), I'm amazed at the near weekly "Can someone bring me a leotard?" texts I see! Same with bathing suits, heck even underwear (most of our girls don't wear any under their leo's) they borrow when they decide to go home with a teammate, unexpectedly! So, I would save your money and wash a used, great condition leotard.
I was so happy to be offered a used comp leo this year!! They are supposed to be on a cycle but for various reasons we have never gotten to use the same leo for 2 years.
Thank you for your input everyone! Didn’t mean to be elusive. The offer was made for parents to buy a competition leotard (obviously at a very reduced price) from girls who have left the sport or gym and are not using them anymore. So “sharing” was probably not the best word to choose. Many parents like to take advantage of that so I was just curious if I was alone in balking at the idea. It seems as though I am and maybe I should reconsider.

That's common. Personally I have no problem with that but it's up to you. I really doubt on a microbial level that it's any worse than sharing the gym space unless they're putting it on one right after the other, but I'm not a scientist. In my experience it just doesn't strike me as an issue.
Thank you for your input everyone! Didn’t mean to be elusive. The offer was made for parents to buy a competition leotard (obviously at a very reduced price) from girls who have left the sport or gym and are not using them anymore. So “sharing” was probably not the best word to choose. Many parents like to take advantage of that so I was just curious if I was alone in balking at the idea. It seems as though I am and maybe I should reconsider.

Oh well that’s different! As long as the used Leo is in good shape and reasonably priced then it’s a great deal!!! Just check over the Leo and make sure the stones (if they have any) aren’t missing many and that the color hasn’t faded or the mystique fabric hasn’t worn (check armpits, stomach and crotch areas). Depending on condition of Leo, 1/2 price is going rate here (more if it was only worn 1x v. 1 season). And if this Leo is being sold through personal channels (not an authorized gym swap) the. Check with your gym before purchasing. Ours was a stickler on the condition of the leos
Even if I think it's icky, I think to my teen daughter and the random text requests by her teammates on the way to the gym, I would be surprised if she hasn't worn someone else's or let someone borrow one of her practice leo's before. For girls that feel like they live at the gym (and have lockers with supplies), I'm amazed at the near weekly "Can someone bring me a leotard?" texts I see! Same with bathing suits, heck even underwear (most of our girls don't wear any under their leo's) they borrow when they decide to go home with a teammate, unexpectedly! So, I would save your money and wash a used, great condition leotard.

My daughter got invited last minute to sleepover right from gym, as I was there to pick her up at 9:30pm. She looked at me with those questioning eyes and looked down at her leo (she had nothing else with her). The mom caught our eyes, and quietly said to me "We can find her some underwear and a big ol' shirt to sleep in if that will work". I whispered to my daughter, and everything worked out. I was so glad right then and there that she was okay with that. If we had to go home and get stuff, she would have been 45 minutes late for the fun the other girls were having. And this mom was truly awesome, made it "no big deal".
On another note, as the girls get older they get pretty comfortable in situations with each other such as sharing leos, clothes, etc in an emergency or a last minute sleepover. My daughter's group is very comfortable talking about (and actually) passing gas during skills, passing gas in the carpool, talking about how someone peed during a skill, etc. As long as it is well washed (which is hard with some leos) I think she (and you) will be fine!
Our gym uses the same leo design for several years, so selling used leos is really common. A leo one season old usually sells (in good condition) for less than half of the original price.

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