Coaches Straight Arm Kip Drills

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Hi everyone!

I was wondering if anyone knew any good drills for kips and keeping the arms straight. I have to gymansts who have their kips but cant seem to keep their arms straight. I have told them to shift their wrists faster to the top of the bar, but that still doesnt seem to work. Any advise will be helpful!

Thanks so much!

My gymnasts have had similar problems with straightening their arms. One thing i have done that seemed to work the best, was having the girl do her kip with one girl standing on either side of her to push her arms straight as she was coming to a front support. If she started to look like she was falling back i would push her back onto the bar. Another thing i did was have them jump from a block to a front support ten times in a row, then try their kip again with straight arms.

Hope this helps!
There are 2 drills I love to do :

1. I put a rope on the bar. If they are in front support, their feet will "stand" on the rope. Then they let themselves swing down and back up and the arms have to be straight ! At the beginning they need help. I help them by pushing the feet. Plus I tell them to PULL the bar. By pulling the bar with their fingers they will be able to shift their wrist.

2. Jumps in front support with straight arms.

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