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Jun 25, 2008
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It's meee again, and i have a different problem, well have had it for a while now. Ive had to take time off due to my shin splints.. and they've been coming and going for some time. They're somewhat better now.. but still there. So im taking the next two weeks of complete healing and icing for my shins then getting back into the swing of things!!
Since i had to take time off any hard landings, i havent tumbled for quite some time.. and im afraid to lose it again. We had a competition back in early june, and i still had my shin splints, but i wanted to compete so i risked tumbling.. and when i did, it was like i had never tumbled before in my life.. im afraid i have lost my roundoff backhandsprings, almost like i forget how it feels to do it. I can do the skills separately with proper technique but its when i put them together.. my coach said i might have to go back and re-learn it from the beginning. Any help :S :(
I'm sure you would probably pick it up fast again if you had to re-learn stuff. But you probably just need some more practice. Can u practice tumbling stuff on a tramp? The landings might be a bit easier on your shins that way since they aren't as hard.

Do you do any other sports like running track? I do, and I've had shin splints before and I know they hurt like heck :(.
my coach had me tumbling on the tumble trak, but they still seem to hurt a little bit.. so the next 2 weeks im not going to do any hard landings just conditioning and etc. my shins were better then i tryed out for soccer and it was hard-core running so they came back, i just want them gone haha its been such a nuscence!! I want to get back into the swing of things, i miss it all. Any other tips on how to keep shin splints awayyy haha.. I ice them and do these stretches my physiotherapist gave me.. thats about it
Eat a lot of bananas, too. It helps. I have never had shin splints, and am hoping to keep it that way.
You're lucky gracefulone!

Ice them and that helps. But for the most part I just learned to deal with it. Staying away from tumbling for a couple weeks sounds like a good idea.

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