WAG What does it take to post a meet schedule on line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Annoys the crud out of me.

Meet is next week. I have to RSVP to a birthday party.

They have the entry forms on line. They have the venue on line. And I know the schedule exists because when I google the dang meet, I can see other gyms who have their flipping report times.

There should be some USAG rule about having to post the report times, on line and by a certain day.

Yes I'm freaking cranky. First meet this season, that hasn't been posted. First freaking weekend with a possible conflict. My friends husband needs to give the restaurant a head, count. Its not a unreasonable expectation. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
This would definitely annoy me, but if other gyms have given their team report times, wouldn't it be a problem with your gym?

I agree. Sounds like the schedule has been sent out, but you guys just don't have the info.
This would definitely annoy me, but if other gyms have given their team report times, wouldn't it be a problem with your gym?
See it doesn't matter. The problem is gyms are notoriously not good at communicating.

The host gym doesn't care I have to RSVP to the party, they are busy all weekend hosting the meet.
My coaches don't care I have to RSVP to the party, they will be coaching all weekend.

The simple solution is once you have the schedule, post it on line. I don't have to bug anyone. My coaches don't have to be bothered dealing with all of us. The host gym doesn't have to be bothered by all the other gyms.

You have it. Freaking post it. Everyone is happy. I am sure it takes all of a minute.

In the age of technology there is no reason to do the chain communication crap.

Used to do that for school closings now they post it. I call BS
I completely agree it should just be posted online. However, not all gyms are poor at communication. Our gym is actually fantastic about communicating with parents and our head compulsory coach sends emails as well as posting on our parent Facebook page as soon as she is given meet information.
And not all gyms have websites/capabilities to post. I know our old one did not. I get that maybe they should, but they do not have the resources. so the PD sends the info to the gyms and the gyms are responsible for communicating it to their gymnasts. Even our current gym does that....I am sure they have a good reason for it.

I would just text/email your head coach. Shouldn't be an issue to ask if they know when she will be competing.
I agree about asking your gym. I think most meets we've been to have been posted online but I also hear from our coach with the schedule in the same time frame as the schedule going online. Until the last year or two, I feel like the majority of the meets we attended were smaller and all communication came from the host gym to our head coach and then to us. Finding anything online was rare.
And not all gyms have websites/capabilities to post. I know our old one did not. I get that maybe they should, but they do not have the resources. so the PD sends the info to the gyms and the gyms are responsible for communicating it to their gymnasts. Even our current gym does that....I am sure they have a good reason for it.

I would just text/email your head coach. Shouldn't be an issue to ask if they know when she will be competing.
Again, this gym has the venue information posted. The entry forms posted. Their facebook page is updated multiple times a day. They have a website. With meet information, except the schedule.

They can post. Again, its BS that its not posted.
My coaches don't have to be bothered dealing with all of us. The host gym doesn't have to be bothered by all the other gyms.

You are assuming that everyone works as you do. I can assure you that half the parents at our gym can't be bothered or trusted to have to look up information online. Same probably applies to some scatterbrained coaches.

At least you know the schedule is out. Just call/email your gym and ask. Seems like a reasonable request on your part.
For the record, I emailed the coach long before I posted my rant here.
After being heavily involved in planning and running our meet this year, I have much more respect for the behind the scenes work that is going on at a meet. The small number of people have enormous responsibilities going on the week/weeks leading up to a meet. Plus MOST are volunteers that have either other jobs or other family issues/life to manage on top. We had one person doing our online stuff for our meet. Maybe that one person is dealing with something else at the moment. I'm not saying this is actually what is happening, just the fact that there are hundreds of other things they are dealing with right now. Sometimes we had to make sure the a responsibility was passed on and if the information was given to the individual gyms, the job is technically done. Huge meets, I expect more from but they usually have more people. Smaller meets, it's small number of people doing a lot of jobs right now. Not that any of this means your plans aren't important. I was born with zero patience so I get your frustration. Just make sure you are asking your gym for the information.
After being heavily involved in planning and running our meet this year, I have much more respect for the behind the scenes work that is going on at a meet. The small number of people have enormous responsibilities going on the week/weeks leading up to a meet. Plus MOST are volunteers that have either other jobs or other family issues/life to manage on top. We had one person doing our online stuff for our meet. Maybe that one person is dealing with something else at the moment. I'm not saying this is actually what is happening, just the fact that there are hundreds of other things they are dealing with right now. Sometimes we had to make sure the a responsibility was passed on and if the information was given to the individual gyms, the job is technically done. Huge meets, I expect more from but they usually have more people. Smaller meets, it's small number of people doing a lot of jobs right now. Not that any of this means your plans aren't important. I was born with zero patience so I get your frustration. Just make sure you are asking your gym for the information.
Really I get all that.

And one of the things that should be on the to do list is to post the schedule. It is part of the meet. Schedule done check, schedule approved check. Schedule posted check. Really posting takes the least time.

I work in a hospital. I have done schedules for my department. Part of the requirement of taking on the task is timely posting. It doesn't matter if the schedule is done if its not posted.
It is the responsibility of your gym to provide the information to the parents. No meet ever is required to post this information online. They provide it to the contacts provided by each registered team. What happens to it from there is up to each team rep.

Having been on the receiving end of many irate emails from parents (because coach registered them for the wrong level (not always the case), they don't like the time slot, etc etc etc), I can absolutely understand why some meet hosts don't want to put this information out there. Just read this thread and you'll likely see why.
I love everything online. It's so much easier but the hosts responsibility is to report to the gyms registered. If that job is done, it's done. There were/are a lot of things we would like to do at our meets to make them better but when it comes down to it, there just isn't enough time/resources to do everything. The list is long and the priorities are different.
If other gyms have their report times posted online can't you at least make an educated guess about your DDs session based on level, or are there multiple sessions per level? I've had to stalk out the info like that in the past.
If other gyms have their report times posted online can't you at least make an educated guess about your DDs session based on level, or are there multiple sessions per level? I've had to stalk out the info like that in the past.
All I can gather is we are not early morning either day, doesn't help for my rsvp
The other problem is, had I not happened upon another gym I wouldn't know the schedule was done. And that has happened as well when we are all bugging our coach and she hasn't been given the information.

There really should be a post by date and it should be required to be online.
I would be frustrated too. I'm surprised their Facebook page and email isn't blowing up?

The reason I say that is b/c one of the gyms that hosted a state meet last year didn't post OR give out a meet schedule to coaches or anyone AT ALL until four days before the meet. The other gyms hosting state meets right before and right after them had their schedule posted for a couple of weeks already. It wasn't our state meet but I was looking at their page b/c I was thinking of going and watching some of our higher level girls and their Facebook page was blown up! Irate parents, coaches, gym owners, you name it they were getting told off by everyone. And then I heard the meet was also disorganized and a mess. I thought for sure they wouldn't be awarded another state meet. But sure enough, they are hosting a state meet this year as well!
I would just ask your gym, sounds like they did the schedule by email and the gyms are supposed to forward it. I'm not sure why some meets do this, my guess is they just forget to post it online after that or don't think about it because for a period of years when email was common but web design was not, everyone had email but lots of gyms had basic/no website. So they're just stuck in the past I guess.

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