This. The peg thing started organically and then spread mostly by itself, as soon as the grown-ups start saying "WE'RE GOING TO DO THIS" it becomes a very different kettle of fish.
Enough for what? There are kids her age in recreational classes cheerily doing 45 minutes a week, others on competitive squad pathways doing eight or more hours. Last time I checked, BG's official guidance for coaches said that 8-10 year olds should be doing no more than 10 hours a week. It's...
Europe has more than 40 countries that are home to more than 40 different gymnastics governing bodies with more than 40 different ways of doing things. The only certain thing is that wherever you end up there will be a level that matches the level your girls are at now, skill-wise. What it...
Absolutely agree. The kid's EIGHT YEARS OLD, missing a couple of practices because she has a horrendous cough that's left her wiped out and falling asleep is not going to cost her an Olympic medal. Not to mention the risk of passing on an infection to her coaches and teammates.
The terms and conditions section of the policies page on the website of the OP's easily-identifiable gym even says "We reserve the right to refuse service."
This thread started back in August and I hit the popcorn every time it drifts back across the "new posts" list and now that it's nearly December I'm kind of fascinated to find out how things turned out.
Exactly this. The girls spend hours together and know each other really well, the parents see each other really briefly at pick-up and mainly just communicate via the squad WhatsApp group.
Just wanted to say that one of the reasons I really like this site is that, four years after the conversation was held, it was you guys who solved my months-long struggle to get my kid's ultrafine hair under control. And if anyone wants to buy shares in the company that makes Got2b I'm going to...