It’s hard every year for my daughter. Every year, friends quit or move gyms and my daughter cries. However, she too is very social and before I know it, she has moved on to making new friends. Once they start training together in their new training groups, they will all start to mesh. It might...
I recently heard that higher level gymnasts should have buckle grips verses Velcro grips. My daughter is starting to swing giants but she doesn’t want buckle grips. She is worried she won’t be able to buckle them. She wants to continue with Velcro grips. Is this info that was shared with me...
I’m not really sure what your question is but here is my experience with my daughter. My daughter is the same age as yours and also has ADHD. Although she could function without medication for school/home one of the main reasons she is medicated is for the gym. My main reason for her being...
My daughter did complete performance coaching for several months and it helped her and also me as a parent. It teaches parents what not to say to make blocks worse and the kids how to believe in themselves and face their fears.
My daughter took a couple of falls which caused mental blocks on...
Thank you! Should she leave it on overnight or does she do this when she competes? Sorry, I don’t know much about gymnastics, hence the need to ask here.
My daughter has a meet tomorrow and she came home from practice last night saying she is about to rip. Is there anything she can do to prevent if from ripping during her meet tomorrow? Thanks!
1. Make a long weekend or mini vacation out of it if you can, leaving a day before and after the meet so you don’t have to worry about booking a flight around a meet time that you probably won’t know until closer to the meet.
2. Make sure her leotard, warm up, gym bag, and grips are part of...