When you are going to transition, you have to go back to the first drills that you did for the layout when you first coached it, like from swings and now do them from the giant. So maybe it could be back giant to candle stick release and fall onto pit on the back. If she's not able to go from a...
Maybe the mistakes took some of the bonus/difficulty away and so lowered her SV?
If that cannot be the issue, then maybe form/pauses/artistry. Usually judging gets tighter as the levels go up because you go head to head with higher level gymnasts. So if your technique or form lacks a bit it will...
6 hours a day, I think is only common for high level gymnastics like gymnasts training for pre-elite (hopes)/elite/levels 9-10.
For lower levels I think doing 6 hours a day is way too much and at 9 years old, totally excessive.
Maybe some poster read quickly and thought it was 6 hours a week...
The only possible answer is focusing on herself, on what she is improving, learning and feeling when doing the skills/competition and not so much the results.
It sounds like she is doing well, just some teammates are doing a little better. That's something she might me encountering in all...
In my country in Europe, gyms close usually the month of august. In July there are some gymnastics camps, but not sure if there are many job offers for those. They are more the day camps not the ones with sleepover.
As a (wag) judge I'd like the shirt to be tighter. I'm ok with it being a shirt and not a full suit. Also I think the thighs over and not under give a much better line IMO.
I'm in a different country and thus, different level system, but my group is training skills similar to L3/L4/Gold and they train 9 hours a week, there are 8 girls in the group (some years might go up to 10 or down to 6) with one coach. I usually set up stations but I coach/focus on one of them...
I don't think a 36 is that bad of a score for level 4, of course it is not a 38 or 39 or getting 9.7-9.9s. But is it that important in he long term to get every single hand/head/step of a compulsory routine perfect for it? Is that the right use of the time in the gym?
Even as a coach, I don't...
I think your gym does not bother with minor corrections, because it is not their focus. Probably they consider (and if they are successful at upper levels they might probably be right) those details take too much time right now for the impact that they'll have on high level skills. So they might...
I don't know the Xcel code but there are two pauses in the routine, which are probably a big deduction (before the squat on and after the HB kip) also the free hip being under horizontal. I think improving that will rise her score quite a bit.