I'm sorry you resorted to name calling. Thank you for your lovely comment!
I was simply stating facts that has happened for our gymnast and at our gym.
I could careless if you believe this or not.
All of the girls at our gym have been recruited from Nationals . We do have college coaches stop by the gym in the summer. Usually they are just passing through to another gym or a camp. We have never had a college coach come to the gym just to recruit a specific gymnast. We have one of the...
This happens to my DD every year. Our Region has a lot of strong gymnast that score between 38 and above the chance of being top 7 for Nationals are slim to none with her score of 37-38+ average . College coaches come to National to scout out recruits. Sadly not all of the Top gymnast will be...
Our coaches are just the opposite. They always add things in routines at the last minute in a meet. For a gymnast and parent it is frustrating but the coaches have there best interest. They really want them to be able to adapt to quickly to changes and growing at meets as well as in the gym...
If you have had COVID 2020 , 2021 and 2022 that had a tremendous affect on training and scheduled meets. Broke your foot in 2022 which I missed 6 meets only coming back to States and qualify for Regionals but not Nationals.
When updating your bio. , should any of this be included? I have not had...
You are so right. Its has gotten very competitive.
You are so right!!!. It has really gotten so competitive.
That's so interesting, that you have recieved the same letter. My DD didn't apply or contact them. She had written an essay and her teacher submitted it.
Just thinking about all the...
She has been an honor roll student since the 4th grade... taking AP classes since middle school. She will graduate in 2024 with more than over a year of college courses. She has recieved a letter from Harvard, to study during the summer online and take part in a week on campus with some of the...
That is exactly what we are experiencing. Our gym has 6 Elites LV 10's and next season it will be 10 Elites.
Our DD is a great gymnast but is overshadowed by the excellent ones, some which are in the same age group and sessions at meets with her. It gets very discouraging. She never wanted to do...
Looking for suggestions on how to build confidence and motivatation.
There have been several elite gymnasts that are not doing elite meets anymore and just the regular competition meets. Most have been accepted by colleges already. They compete in the same competitions that a non-elite gymnast...
We left her original gym because they did not teach pass Level 8. She had been with this gym since she was 2 yrs old. We researched other gyms in the area before she started Level 8 season so she could train for the skills needed to start the season. We would have only had another year there.
I think you may have misunderstood that part.
At the gym they are all grouped together.and they practice as a team. The time that is given during practice is not equal to those who are considered the "favorite" gymnast. In meets the are separated but in the same sessions. It's quite clear...