6 hours per week for a Zinc 9 year old is on the low side but not unusual. Because the Classic Challenge is all encompassing you could be competing against 9 year olds on the grades pathway training 12-14 hours per week or against gymnasts with similar training hours that don't compete grades...
Gymnasts can enter at any grade for Preparation, Development or Performance. If entering at Excel level they must move through all the grades.
Assuming she has the skills your gymnast will be able to compete Development 1 next year.
I would say that Zinc (UK) is similar to USA Level 4 skill level wise however there is a big difference between the lowest Zinc requirements and what some gymnasts compete. In our region nearly all Zinc gymnasts will compete 2 x upstarts on bars (kips) which is the same as USAG Level 4 and...
That will depend on her age and where she is moving too. There are several options in some areas and virtually none in others.
Once she has identified the best gyms within her commute range she can organise a squad trial. The gyms will offer her a place in the squad that she fits in best...
Could you be a bit more specific about what you want to know? The grades have been renamed and routines changed for 2024 onwards so National Level 3 doesn't exist as such. They are now Prep, Development, Performance and Excel.
It sounds like the coach might be trying to correct everything at the same time? After 4 years of rec your daughter will have a lot of habits that are going to take a while to fix. This is because it's muscle memory. How many different corrections is your daughter getting each training session...
"Well, she pushed through as much as she could and ended up with growth plate damage. So basically she’s scared of the coaches’ expectations once she’s cleared."
I'm not sure I'd be sending my daughter back to this gym. At the very least a conversation is needed with the gym before she returns...
If your daughter wants to compete grades and she is being offered the chance at another club now is a very good time to move. If you leave it too much longer she will find it hard to be offered a place for grades competitions due to her age.
If your club doesn't have gymnasts above level 6 and is also scoring in the bottom 10% at compulsories I would move clubs. Take her for trials and see how she gets on.
Yes the floor and vault squad will be a lower level of competition, we call it Gymnastics For All in my region and it will be difficult, not impossible, but difficult to keep up with the gymnasts already training 4 pieces of apparatus to the level required for the grades pathway.
It really...