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  1. JBS

    WAG Betty Okino - Ballet Bar Basics

  2. G

    WAG Ballet?

    Is ballet a good idea? Will it help me in gymnastics? We take weekly hour ballet classes at the gym. Is more necessary to help improve on anything such as technique, flexibility, knowledge, as well as help me on floor and beam?
  3. Alibri

    Parents Ballet as part of training

    My daughter just started training for the level 3 team this week, and I am pleasantly surprised that the gym has just implemented ballet as part of the training for team level 3 and up. My daughter’s small team of 6-9 year olds train 12 hours, and 2 of those hours (1 hour on each of 2 days) each...
  4. G

    WAG Any ballet specialists here?

    Anyone here who is a ballet dancer or has really good knowledge of the Vaganova Style? If so, I would have a really important question. Thanks
  5. G

    Parents Does ballet help with gymnastics & vice versa

    Hi my preschooler does both ballet & gymnastics & absolutely adores both. My question is she is a bit stiff so I guess gym will help with that but how else do ballet & gymnastics compliment each other? Will a time come where she has to drop one as the techniques are too different? Also ballet...
  6. R

    Ballet waist bands?

    Can someone tell me where I can get one of those elastic velcro bands for ballet (at gymnastics) In Melbourne
  7. munchkin3

    WAG Is Ballet really important?

    Does your DD either take ballet or have a real ballet component in their gymnastics training??? How much do you think it affects their gymnastics and scoring? We are trying to get a separate ballet component geared to their routines.....just wondering about everyone's regimen here.
  8. MaryA

    WAG Flip side of the ballet question

    Ok, I know nobody can answer this for sure. It's going to be different for every kid, etc. etc. The one mom wanted to know how much her gymnast will get out of a ballet class. I want to know how much my ballerina will get out of a tumbling class! My 13-year-old DD, who has been taking ballet...
  9. O

    Parents Ballet?

    How helpful would a beginner ballet class be for 9yo level 4? How long would she need to take classes for it to help her gymnastics? I don't even know yet if my daughter would be interested, but I figured I should get some info before asking her about it. They get some dance instruction...
  10. emilykatherine

    Off Topic Ballet class of private

    Are normal ballet classes better or would a ballet private ballet class be better, I'm looking at taking one at a studio walking distance away from the gym before practice one day a week but I don't know if a private would be better or not. Any advice would be helpful!
  11. txgal

    WAG Ballet?

    DD's HC recommended ballet for DD. She's already in the gym 20+ hours a week (and she's only 10), so I'm hesitant to add anything else to her schedule. However, I was thinking about calling one of the local ballet companies and asking for a private tutor to specifically work on ballet elements...
  12. L

    WAG One more question about ballet

    I've been reading some of the recommendations about ballet improving form. I'm considering it for DD this summer. She will be 7 and level 3. She is very strong and almost overly flexible. The issues with her form are tightness and despite being an awesome little tumbler and bar worker, she...
  13. O

    WAG Ballet class

    DD has expressed interest in a ballet class over the summer to improve her dance. In a previous thread a poster made a comment to make sure to take a real ballet class. DD is 12 and all I have found is more serious ballet for girls with years of training or a 2 week hip-hop camp. Do you...
  14. R

    WAG Ballet vs.Gymnastics Leaps/Split Jumps

    I know that in both gymnastics and ballet, the hips needs to be squared forward during split jumps, but what about the rotation of the thighs? For example, should the top of the front foot be facing up or to the side? I know that in ballet, the thigh/feet should definitely be facing to the...
  15. zesty

    Coaches Would you hire someone who never did gymnastics but has ballet and gymnastics knowledge

    This person is a dancer and studied gymnastics for 5 years.
  16. TigerPawLove

    WAG Ballet slippers on Beam?

    I seem to have an issue with turns on Beam, and on the floor aswell, It's like my feet just don't want to turn. I i turn, my toes seem to catch on the floor/beam, and I've broken toes many times due to this. Myself and most of the girls on my team are all Ballet dancers as well and we were...
  17. F

    WAG Ballet and competitive gymnasts

    I'm wondering how many competitive gymnasts are also taking ballet.... Whether as a separate activity just because they love it, a regular class implemented into their mnastics training time, or outside of the gym specifically to enhance their gymnastics? Would love to hear from you!
  18. JediGymnast

    Strength/flexibility: Yoga or Ballet?

    Hello! I've been looking EVERYWHERE for an adult gymnastics or tumbling class, and there just aren't any within a 50 mile radius. You mentioned in the meantime to work strength and flexibility. Well, the local community college offers Yoga and Ballet classes. I know Yoga is good at working your...
  19. J

    WAG Ballet and Gymnastics

    First off I am 17 years old. I want to start gymnastics but there is no place near me that offers it, there is a dance studio that offers tumbling, ballet, hip hop jazz, and other styles of dance. I want to start there and then later go to any actual gymnastics club about and 1 hour away from...
  20. MdGymMom01

    Parents Wanted to share some ballet pics...

    Hi Guys....I just wanted to share some pics of Dani in her ballet solo..