Have any of you taken your gymnasts out of traditional schooling as early as elementary school to train earlier hours in gymnastics and regretted it later when a child decides to quit gymnastics? Or have most of you had success choosing that path? Looking to hear both sides if possible?
I'm interested in hearing about anyone's experiences with any of their programs, how common this is in the gym homeschool community, advice you have, or alternatives to consider! Any info at all :)
We are trying to figure out a plan for alternative high school learning for our gymnast (we...
Heading for high school freshman year now. I m trying decide to do PSA homeschooling with dual enrollment in community college.
If your gymnast already finished 3 years of college credit and transferred to , UCLA, which that means your gymnast only have ONE year college level competition?
For those that have both a home school (HS) group at their gym and an evening group (EG) do you feel that your gym favors the "home school" kids? I have started to feel some frustration over the years because the HS kids seem to get more advantages and consideration on things.
The Head...
Apologies in advance that this is not in a homeschooling group on CB, I’m a new member and probably don’t have invitation access to some things here.
Has anyone homeschooled their 1st or 2nd graders? What program or curriculum did you use? Pros or Cons? Some gyms have an in house homeschool. I...
Hi everyone! I am new to this forum. I used to do gymnastics, but got badly injured at young age and never got back into it, something I hugely regret now. I have followed gymnastics ever since and watch every aired meet.
As a qualified primary (elementary) teacher, I would love to work with...
Since our school district is assuming that everything will be business as usual this fall and is not preparing any contingency plans, I am looking into on-line schooling options for my rising ninth-grader just in case. She is currently registered for a full slate of "pre-IB" coursework. Her high...
For those who homeschool...we are considering homeschooling our oldest for non-gymnastics reasons. While it is unlikely that he is going to do college level gymnastics I don't want to close any doors and have regrets later and from what I have read on here and other places there are specific...
Anyone have an idea what percentage of girls that compete in college home-schooled through high school? Is it a majority so that they have enough hours to train or do many do traditional high school?
I'm hoping to do a standardized test just to see where my DD is. Reassure myself our curriculum and number of hours is good? I've seen Iowa, Stanford, TerraNova. Anyone have any experience or advice?
Hi. I have a 10 year old level 7. She did joga up till last summer. She wanted to move to usga She is adjusting. She has competed level 8 as well for a meet as she has her skills. She is very driven and focused. She is learning how to compete w the pressure and learning how to deal w not being...
Proud mama here if a current sixth-grader. She's new to middle school this year, and she has been struggling a bit with the adjustment. While of course we're allowing for an adjustment period thus year, she's been becoming more and more vocal about wanting to either pursue online school...
Hi everyone! My daughter is currently a level 7 and started cyber school this year. She is looking for a pen pal to send letters and small treats or gifts back and forth. I thought it would be really special if her pen pal was another gymnast. Are there any groups that anyone is aware of that I...
So, it's a long story, but because of some weird circumstances, there is a very strong possibility I will be homeschooling my daughter next year. I have taught both public and private school for some years, so am not worried about giving her what she needs, but am curious what programs are out...
Hi. COz and I have started a new social group called "Homeschooling Group" for folks that are currently or are interested in homeschooling their gymnast for any reason. Let us know if you would like to join!