Hi valued readers
I am proud to present the newest issue of TheGymPress. This is by far the best issue, with many contributions, and with all the new bells and whistles.
Hope you enjoy, and please leave feedback for articles.
Content of March 2008 Issue
Page 1-3 Using the “Understand...
Hi Everyone
Over the last month i have tried to start something like a gymnastics resource sharing (predominantly coaching) center/system, however this is proving pretty hard. However for now i have set up a Group for Memebers (only) of The Gym Press (www.thegympress.net). Where coaches...
For any of those interested the new issue of The Gym Press is out.
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Publishers Note Pg 1
Understanding and Teaching Competitive Gymnastics Skills: The “Understand --> Teach†model...
Hi there
I am new to the board, and hope to start participating (normaly i just visit drills and skill and Gymworld). I am the author of a gymnastics newsletter also which i have started in New Zealand for the New Zealand coaches but i would like to also share it with everyone else.
If you are...
Hi there
I am new to the board, and hope to start participating (normaly i just visit drills and skill and Gymworld). I am a gymnastics coach and the author of a gymnastics newsletter also which i have started in New Zealand for the New Zealand coaches but i would like to also share it with...