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  1. Anonymous Post

    Anon Puberty Growth Spurt

    My daughter is in the throes of a major puberty growth spurt- ugh! Anyone else's daughter going through this right now? I have been reading through some of the previous posts about growth spurts which have been nice to read, because I know we are not alone in this, but wow- it has been a...
  2. A

    Parents Gymnast hitting puberty - what to expect?

    Hi wise parents! My 11-year-old 6th grader is finishing up level 5 and looking to compete level 7 next year. She trains 17 hr/wk right now, which will marginally increase. She's also a human, and we're starting to notice all the normal human things that happen in middle school. She still loves...
  3. Avasmom

    Parents Puberty

    My daughter is 12 (3 months away from turning 13). She is definitely going through puberty. That mouth! OMG! I love her but I could definitely do without the sassy mouth. Our pediatrician does not think she will start her cycle for another 1-2 years. I know this has been discussed in the past...
  4. M

    WAG Puberty

    My daughter is a 1st year level 9 and will be a very low level 9, really an 8 1/2, lol. She has always been very successful but is struggling lately, especially with bars. She got her period about 9 months ago and probably gained about 20-25 pounds in the past year and grew a little taller. I...
  5. D

    Parents does gymnastics delay puberty? DD is thankfully nowhere near this stage, but I keep hearing it from various people about how certain sports like running and gym can push it out, especially if the child started the sport at a fairly young age. Thought I would ask here. When did your child start in terms of stages, etc? I...
  6. profmom

    MAG late puberty for boys

    My eldest had a bad encounter with an errant ball at soccer practice and now (briefly -- whew!) has his arm in a cast. In the course of diagnosing the injury, an Xray was taken, and the orthopedist told DH that DS's growth plates are still wide open. He's over 16, but his plates look like those...
  7. G

    Parents Another thread about fears, puberty and how to know if your kid is done...

    Had a heart to heart with DD new (4 months) coaches and DD yesterday. Turns out that after the optional program went from 10 girls to 35 this last 2 weeks with another gym closing, things are necessarily getting stricter and girls getting less individual time and wiggle room with assignments...
  8. munchkin3

    WAG Any good reading on injuries and puberty???

    I am curious. Is there any good gymnastics related reading about the increase of injuries and the 12-14 year old??? It is no coincidence that injuries are more prominent with this bunch and it seems it doesn't matter what level. We have an 11 yo level 10 with no real 'problems' and we have 13 yo...
  9. G

    Coaches Puberty and periods

    I coach a group of girls who are 12-13 yo. I recently made the girls fill out a questionnaire about their strengths and weaknesses, fears, goals etc because it's not always easy to get those teens talk to you. There was also free space to write about any worries, ask questions and tell me...
  10. cbifoja

    Parents Why Mommy can't wait until you hit puberty.

    Total vent here....but I am so done with gym! I'm tired of the long hours, the late dinners, the messy house that comes from lack of time at home. I'm sick of sitting in that lobby (don't start, it's not an option to not be there), the second job, the parents who drill me about what level...
  11. SuperGirlmlm

    WAG When to hit Puberty?

    There's an 11 year old gymnast moving from level 8 to 9. I've seen her around, and she's TINY. Like, shorter than the vault tiny. And not only that, but she's really skinny, too. For example, when she does kips on the low bar, she doesn't need to straddle or pike, it's like a long hang kip for...
  12. F

    WAG Getting skills before puberty

    I was speaking with a former competitive coach a while go, who was talking about a theory that girls should learn as many skills as possible before hitting puberty. The focus was generally on high performance kids.... That they should try and get all top level skills before hitting puberty...
  13. S

    Parents Puberty - What to expect?

    DD is 10 (training new L4, a slim chance to do L5 next season but that's a whole different story..) and its definitely starting... little tiny signs of breasts.. she started wearing a sports bra for practice and sometimes when she wears a see through shirt.. Anyway. experienced parents - can u...
  14. R

    Parents Delicate situation, once they hit puberty.

    so the no underwear thread got me wondering. what do you do if your dd has her time of the month on competition day? and the whole shaving thing. uggggg. it just doesn't feel right for my baby to have to shave.:eek:
  15. M

    Parents Puberty and gymnasts

    Sooo, my daughter is 11 and in 6th grade. I got my period at 12 (in 6th grade). At her 11 y/o checkup ped told us based on her growth pattern and development at this point, he estimated she had another year or two. So, I was pretty happy with that, thought it made sense, he is usually on with...
  16. M

    Parents Speaking of delaying puberty (in another thread)

    does that really happen? My daughter only practices 10 hours a week plus plays soccer. Would that really be enough? She appears to be on track with her peers in school, who kind of at her age tend to be all over the place. In looking at the older girls in the gym, while they are mostly all...
  17. B

    Why is puberty such a big deal for a gymnast?

    I've seen several mentions of how hard puberty is on a gymnast. I get the emotional part, what with all the hormones and that's about the time boys and school friends become more important than gymnastics. But I honestly don't get how physically challenging puberty is on a gymnast. It seems...
  18. B

    Injuries and Puberty... What is normal?

    My daughter has had some twist, tweak, sprain, pain, jam, etc. every month for the past eight months now. She is getting so tired of it and feeling a bit beat down. The PT said to expect this while she is in puberty and growing until she hits 14. Does this seem like a correct assessment? Or is...

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