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  1. A

    Anon Switching gyms

    Hey y'all, I am looking for advice on how to switch gyms without causing any drama with the owner and coaches. I've heard stories about what can happen if you're not careful and want to make sure I'm doing this correctly. The reasons for wanting to leave are 1) the gym being very disorganized...
  2. A

    Anon Switching coaches

    Hey just looking for an outside point of view on a decision I’m trying to make. For a bit of background information I’m a level 8 gymnast trying to go 9 next season. This will be my last year of gymnastics as I am graduating. Recently my coach went off on surgery so I have been with a different...
  3. M

    Parents Switching grades. Is it possible? (UK)

    Hey all, Just wondering if you've started national grade route, are you able to switch grade to compulsory, further down the line? For context my daughter is doing national grade 5 in April. Thank you!
  4. Holly

    Women Switching legs

    My coach has recently told me that whenever I do my front walkover roundoff back handspring, I switch my legs in the front walkover. Does anyone know how to fix this, or any tips??
  5. M

    Parents Switching Gyms

    LONG POST! My oldest daughter had a bad injury at her gym (that she had been at recreationally for 5 years and competitively for 1 year on JO level 2) when she was 8, right after kids came back into the gym after being out for months due to the start of Covid. She attempted an aerial (which...
  6. gymnastics<3

    Women switching gyms?

    Hi everyone! I’m at a great gym right now (supportive, safe, etc.), but I‘m not sure if it’s the right gym for me. I’ve been going here for about 2 years, and as I said, I love the gym. My problem is that it‘s a very relaxed gym, not very competitive, which makes practices very fun, and I do...
  7. T

    Parents Switching gyms question

    We are asked to give a 30 day notice at our gym. We want to switch for several reasons so I was going to give our notice on April 1st. We have one more meet in April so the only thing I worry about is will this be awkward since the coach will know we are quitting? Anyone give notice and then...
  8. J

    Parents Questions about switching gyms for higher level of training…

    I’m beginning to question whether we need to look at other gyms for my daughter (8 yo training level 4, coming off a very successful level 3 season). This is a tough one too, as we absolutely love our current gym. We have friends there, the coaches are loving and kind, and I fully trust that my...
  9. L

    Women switching to xcel gold mid season

    Hi! I am currently a xcel silver gymnast. I’ve noticed that I’ve been way ahead of my team as I’m more serious than them. I’ve already competed 1 meet and got a 37.792 AA. I have my kip, front tuck, bw on beam, clear hip, round off bt, back tuck front tuck beam dismount, and front handspring...
  10. G

    Women Switching USAIGC to USAG

    Hi my daughter is switching from USAIGC to USAG - she is USAIGC diamond and told she is USAG 6/7. Does she have to score out of levels 4, 5 before she can compete at USAG L6? She is 11. Are there updated rules around this somewhere I can find?
  11. Mrs. Puma

    Parents Switching from USAIGC to NGA

    Our gym announced today that we will be switching from USAIGC to NGA for the upcoming season. I looked at their website briefly, and plan on sinking my teeth into it later, but does anyone have any feedback yet? Thanks!
  12. T

    Women Switching from XCEL to JO

    My daughter is 15, almost 16 and currently XCEL Platinum. She is considering switching to JO (I know it's called something else now but I still say JO) next season. So, she would have to score out of level 4 and 5, correct? Then if she has all her level 7 skills, can she skip level 6 and go to...
  13. M

    Parents Considering switching gyms...how to email other gyms, etiquette, etc

    Hi, My athlete is considering switching gyms. The season is technically over at this point for us and I am unsure how to send emails out to other gyms without specifying who my athlete is incase we decide to stay. Does anyone have any advice for switching gym etiquette, sending out emails and...
  14. D

    Parents When to tell coaches that daughter is switching to a new gym

    After some good advice from others on this forum, my daughter will be switching gyms. She is finishing out her current season and will switch to her new gym in a few months when the new gym starts their new season. How far in advance would be common courtesy to let her current gym know she is...
  15. G

    Women Switching process?

    My daughter is planing on switching out of Xcel and in to JO in a couple years, how dose that work typically? Her gym only goes up to platinum for Xcel so what level would she be moved in to (most likely) and is there any good to know information? I want to be prepared before hand
  16. T

    Parents Switching Gyms

    My kids have been at the same gym since they were 16 months in the Mommy and Me class. It's a rec gym. They just finished level 3 at age 9. We moved out of the county, so we would be non-residents and have to pay a whole lot more. I had them try out at the new rec gym we are close to, and they...
  17. G

    8 year old dd switching from acro to gymnastics. Now xcel tryouts!

    My 8 year old dd has been dancing for 2 years. Never really liked dance, except acro- which she excelled at. After years of begging we took the plunge, against her Drs advice and signed her up for gymnastics. She is just so passionate about it. Every video, everywhere we go, it's all she does...
  18. raven23

    Parents Switching gyms

    Long time lurker...first time poster. My DD has been with one gym since she was 4 years old. She has just finished JO Level 4. Her season was good, if not great: She medaled at most meets, although she did not medal at State. We recently had a parent meeting with the coaches where JO parents...
  19. A

    Women Process of Switching Gyms

    Hello all, we possibly may need to relocate from NM to CO and 12 yo DD has just finished her Level 4 season. She had a good season and secured her required 34 AA and competed at the State meet. I was just curious about the process of moving to a new gym. Are there typically try-outs...
  20. S

    Parents Switching Gym's

    I am thinking of switching gym's? Factors for switching is location. My current gym is close to my work but far from my house. What are some reasons that other people have switched gyms? Also the pricing I noticed little fees tacked on top of publish fees. For example I will be charged 18.00 and...