xcel gold

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  1. Gymnastics15

    Gymnasts Xcel Gold help

    if you're a coach or a gymnast in Xcel gold you probably know about the new rule where you can't do two back hip circles on the same bar. So, I have to compete a double back hip circle but for some reason I get so dizzy I can't connect my squat on. Help my meet season is coming up!!
  2. gymnast.12

    WAG Are these ok for xcel gold?

    Floor: Round off backhandspring Front hand spring round off Full turn Split leap tuck jump Beam: Cartwheel Handstand Full turn Split jump straight jump Back tuck dismount Vault: Half on Bars: Kip Double back hip circle squat on tap swing half turn dismount
  3. D


    I am currently training as a xcel gold in summer training and competed xcel silver last season. I'd really like to move up to xcel gold and do well. These are my skills. Bars: Pullover Back hipcircle frount hipcircle squat on jump to high bar tap swing quarter turn dismount Beam: handstand...
  4. N

    Coaches Xcel Gold Bar Routine

    Would a Kip, cast, double back hip circle, squat on, tap swing, tap swing flyaway fit all the requirements for xcel gold?
  5. D

    WAG Xcel Gold

    Hello ChalkBucket Community, Im going to be competing Xcel gold this season and this will be my second season competing. Id really like to have high scores and make it to regionals. If anybody has any suggestions on how i can get better, improve my scores, and...
  6. D

    WAG Xcel gold

    So I’m going to be competing xcel gold and I cant make my front tuck is there anything else I can do
  7. Gymnast2009

    WAG Xcel gold casts

    In xcel gold, do all my casts have to be above horizontal on bars or can just one. I have to bend my arms to cast high enough and would like to only do that once and then have small straight arm casts.
  8. R

    Parents Xcel Gold Requirements

    Is a kip required for bars in Xcel Gold? Does a ROBHS count in Gold as a connecting acre skill?
  9. A

    Anon Xcel gold to Xcel platinum struggle?

    Do you feel that there is a big jump in scoring requirements from xcel gold to xcel platinum? If one struggled with the jump from silver to gold but then scored well when repeating gold, would you expect a similar struggle when moving from gold to platinum?
  10. everydaygymnastics

    WAG Xcel Gold Skills

    Hi. I am a Xcel silver gymnast. I just moved up from bronze in January, but I might move to gold next year. My gym is going to an unsanctioned meet on may 7 and we have a chance at competing at a higher level. I know I need my back tuck on floor, but I don’t know what other skills I need. Here...
  11. joeyb1503

    Parents Xcel Gold Regionals area 5

    Hi, new to the gymnastics scene. My daughter is on xcel gold. How do I know if she is on Allstar team or the state team at regionals coming up?She finished 1st in her session (junior E) at state but, finished 10th combined with all the child , junior, and senior sessions.
  12. gymnast.12

    WAG tumbling passes for xcel gold

    so im in xcel gold and i need help on my robhs in my robhs my arms always bend (not that much but enough for me to feel it) no matter how hard I block I think its an issue with my arms coming apart because I don't think I'm too weak or if I am can you give me conditioning tips? i can almost do a...
  13. Anonymous Post

    Anon Back layout xcel gold??

    Can an xcel gold do a back layout instead of a back tuck? Would that count as the skill without hands?
  14. Y

    WAG Xcel Gold Bars Mount

    Hello! I was wondering if someone could tell me what mounts are allowed for xcel gold bars. Is a pullover from 1 foot permitted? I’m getting conflicting info and am worried about my child’s routine. Thanks so much!
  15. ash124

    WAG can round off 2 back handspring and round off 1 back hand spring be xcel gold floor passes?

    can round off 2 back handspring and round off 1 back hand spring be used for my xcel gold floor passes?
  16. Anonymous Post

    Anon Xcel gold deductions questions

    Hi, What are the deductions in xcel gold for not completing the full turn on beam (she stays on the beam for the turn but it’s like a 3/4 turn instead of a full turn) and for stumbling on the dismount instead of sticking it? What about not having perfectly straight legs on back walkover on...
  17. iLUVgymnastics:)

    WAG Can an aerial be a xcel gold tumbling pass

    For xcel gold can you do an aerial as a tumbling pass of do you need 2 connected flight skills?
  18. PTBEAN

    WAG Xcel Gold tumbling pass requirements

    With the new rules for xcel competition, I am having trouble understanding the Gold requirements for tumbling passes. I see that it says there must be two directly connected acro skills with flight in one of the passes. Would the following two passes meet this requirement: 1. Roundoff backtuck...
  19. P

    WAG Xcel Gold Bars Circles

    DD has really clean FHC, and can pull off several in a row. For Xcel gold, the coach is training them all in two connected circles, which I know is technically not required, but is something our gym requires for gold. The two options the kids have been given so far are FHC cast BHC, which DD...
  20. D

    WAG Xcel gold floor question

    Hi, Can xcel gold compete round off back handspring back tuck or is that a platinum skill? Thanks.