WAG đźŹ‹ď¸Źâ€Ťâ™‚️ Seeking Shoulder and Back Flexibility Complex for my Wag gymnasts🏋️‍♀️

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Jul 31, 2024
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Hi everyone!

I’m currently coaching compulsory level 2-4 gymnasts, and I’ve noticed that many of them are struggling with shoulder and back flexibility, which is impacting their skill development and overall performance. I’m reaching out to see if anyone has recommendations for a comprehensive flexibility complex that targets these areas.

Specifically, I’m looking for a set of drills and exercises that can be integrated into our training sessions to help improve shoulder and back flexibility. I’m hoping to find something that’s effective yet manageable for this level, allowing the gymnasts to progress without overwhelming them.

If you have any tried-and-true routines, drills, or tips that have worked well in your experience, I would greatly appreciate your insights! Feel free to share any resources or personal experiences that might help us enhance our flexibility training.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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