There's no reason why she couldn't come back to training better conditioned yet than when she stopped going to the gym.
My daughter faced a similar situation once, and her training during that break from going to the gym is at least part of the reason she is enjoying the success she is having today. She also had to take a break from going to the gym during Covid restrictions, and it did not stop her from having a very successful competition season. Both times she came back leaner, stronger, and better conditioned than before.
With some simple pieces of equipment and a little time and dedication, she will not have to lose all her skills, or at least keep up or improve her conditioning, so that she will be better able to pick elements back up when she starts again. Some mats, an inexpensive low beam or foam beam, a rope tied to a tree, and maybe some monkey bars is all you need. If you want to go the extra mile some box jump boxes or stands, some ankle weights, and a rope tied to some dumbells or weight plates could help increase strength and explosiveness.
Conditioning, stretching, and carefully practicing some basic skills at home could help her stay well conditioned and sharp during that break.
I do not know how old your daughter is or where she is in her gymnastics journey, but there's no reason she can't take a break from going to the gym and then come back and be successful again. Maybe you could use the TOPS program as a template to help during the break?