2021 Goals

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Jan 4, 2008
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So it’s a brand new year, lost if set backs last year has left many even more determined this year. What are your (or your child’s) 2021 goals? Training, coaching or life!
My goal is to continue my weight loss/healthy journey that I actually started during covid and it has been going great!

My son....to be in college on a team :)

My daughter: to get into the masters program at college :)
I'd like to get judging certified here in the USA. I did some compulsory judging in Australia when I lived there but haven't done any of the testing here yet. I'm also training with an Xcel group right now (31 years old, just started training again in 2019) and am hoping to start getting some new skills I never learned as a kid. Top of list are toe on to handstand (ub), double full (fx), backhandspring series (bb) and handspring front (vt).
My goal: Continue my health journey. Lose enough weight to get my ostomy reversed so I can stop living on Benadryl (50mg every 4 hours around the clock is no fun). Get my driver's license (I passed driver's education in 1988, but never took the test to get my license).

OG: Maintain 4.0 in her college classes. Work on her nutrition minor to go with her nursing major.

YG: Train and get her skills back / add a couple new skills so NEXT season, she can compete 10.0 SV routines on ALL events. Also, pass all classes and get her driver's license.

LSS: Work on bars connections. Get a 9.0 on vault or floor this season (Xcel Gold). GO to Platinum next season. Keep getting good grades.

LBHG: Work on upgrades. Get a kip. Go to Platinum next season. Pass all classes with at least a C.
Daughter just wants her gym to open up. Not likely in the near future, sadly.
I am so sorry to hear that. Perhaps it would be good to have some other goals as well that your daughter might have more control over.
Daughter just wants her gym to open up. Not likely in the near future, sadly.
My heart goes out to your daughter, so many are struggling with restrictions and changes in the gym but easy to forget those who have lost the place that means so much to them for so long.
I am so sorry to hear that. Perhaps it would be good to have some other goals as well that your daughter might have more control over.
Well she is 21 and in university, applying for her masters. So she has lots of goals and dreams. Gymnastics has been her passion, for a long time, she misses it. Between her weights gym closing, and her gymnastics gym closing, she is frustrated. I get it.
DD would like to compete and show off all the new skills she has developed with the extended non-competition season. Recently I asked her how a skill was going and she said "oh I don't do that anymore, I upgraded to xxxxxxx instead". Feels like I missed out on years of competition with her progressing so fast since she was focused on skills rather than scoring better on compulsory routines.
Well she is 21 and in university, applying for her masters. So she has lots of goals and dreams. Gymnastics has been her passion, for a long time, she misses it. Between her weights gym closing, and her gymnastics gym closing, she is frustrated. I get it.
I am not sure how bad the restrictions are in your area but it sounds really hard. In terms of keeping fit I think it can be amazing what you can do if you are creative even with limited equipment. But the lack of contact with people like gym friends would really difficult to replicate even in online classes. They are better than nothing but probably not the same as physically being with friends.
I am not sure how bad the restrictions are in your area but it sounds really hard. In terms of keeping fit I think it can be amazing what you can do if you are creative even with limited equipment. But the lack of contact with people like gym friends would really difficult to replicate even in online classes. They are better than nothing but probably not the same as physically being with friends.

She definitely is working out, online videos, elastics, walking and was biking a lot before winter hit. Gymnastics gyms opened for about 6 weeks last fall, then closed again. Workout/weights gyms the same in her city. Her gym does not have online workouts.

She has put holes in a few walls doing acro gymnastics with her sister, always an adventure, and at least they have each other for company currently.

It definitely is the social side that kills the soul. Online classes, online workouts, online everything. Her one "outing" a week is to work at an outreach center for the homeless, doing active listening and mail hand outs.
Goals for me: Get more active, read more books, spend less time on my phone
Goals for older daughter: maintain the good headspace shes in. Last year was rough and this year she seems like a whole new (happier) kid I hope we can keep it up. The happy kid has equaled great progress in gym which is like a bonus.
Goals for younger daughter (non gymnast): I want her to start practcing her sport more. She is just an easy going kid (I get it I was the same way) but I would love to just see her more active in her sport.
I can relate to that even though we are not in lockdown anymore. That is a shame that her gym does not have online classes or workouts. We also didn’t have any at our gym during lockdown and It made me feel really lonely.

That sounds like such a great cause to work at an outreach centre for the homeless. Even though it is only once a week, It is really nice that anyone would care about homeless people to even talk to them. It makes me sad to see so many people walk past homeless people on the street and it seems that not even one person cares about them.
My daughter's goal is simply to get back in the gym. That will not happen until after she's vaccinated and she's done enough conditioning on her own to allow for a safe return. After nearly ten months out, she finally did a little conditioning and stretching over the holiday break, but since school started back up this week she hasn't made time. It will be a long road. We'll see what happens.

She will also have to figure out how to balance high school and gym, which I'm honestly not sure is possible. 7 - 8 hours a night of homework + gym just doesn't seem feasible.
She definitely is working out, online videos, elastics, walking and was biking a lot before winter hit. Gymnastics gyms opened for about 6 weeks last fall, then closed again. Workout/weights gyms the same in her city. Her gym does not have online workouts.

She has put holes in a few walls doing acro gymnastics with her sister, always an adventure, and at least they have each other for company currently.

It definitely is the social side that kills the soul. Online classes, online workouts, online everything. Her one "outing" a week is to work at an outreach center for the homeless, doing active listening and mail hand outs.
My daughter's goal is simply to get back in the gym. That will not happen until after she's vaccinated and she's done enough conditioning on her own to allow for a safe return. After nearly ten months out, she finally did a little conditioning and stretching over the holiday break, but since school started back up this week she hasn't made time. It will be a long road. We'll see what happens.

She will also have to figure out how to balance high school and gym, which I'm honestly not sure is possible. 7 - 8 hours a night of homework + gym just doesn't seem feasible.

wow! 7-8 hours a NIGHT? That is a lot :(
3-4 hours of homework plus 3.5 hours of gym.

oh...reading skills are important. lol.

I don't think my kiddos have ever had even 3-4 hours, or if they have, it has been rare.
oh...reading skills are important. lol.

I don't think my kiddos have ever had even 3-4 hours, or if they have, it has been rare.

Maybe she's just getting excess busy work because of on-line school, or maybe she's just inefficient, but that's what it's been so far this semester and she isn't even taking a full load or any AP or IB courses. Next year she will have 7 courses and one study hall with 2 APs, 1 IB, 3 pre-IB, and one elective. Friends with older kids have reported similar workloads during non-COVID times.
Maybe she's just getting excess busy work because of on-line school, or maybe she's just inefficient, but that's what it's been so far this semester and she isn't even taking a full load or any AP or IB courses. Next year she will have 7 courses and one study hall with 2 APs, 1 IB, 3 pre-IB, and one elective. Friends with older kids have reported similar workloads during non-COVID times.

Oh wow! that will be a lot. I think our school believes in less homework for the most part, which really does help.

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