MAG 22 year old beginner

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


I just recently got involved in men's gymnastics and although i've been told by countless people that i'll never be as good as if I had been doing it since I was a child, I really enjoy it.

But my question is in regards to stretching (apologize if there's a better forum for this).

When we warm up and stretch at the beginning of our sessions I've noticed that a lot of the men who've been doing it since child hood can touch their chests to the ground while doing their legs.

like this:
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Or sep leg stretching pose.jpg

My question is whether or not I'll be able to attain the same stretches since I just started.
It you practise enough yes, there should be no reason why not.

Some people are more flexible than other people.

22 is not that old. I quite often get down and do the stretches with the boys I coach, and I am a lot older than 22!

Flexibility is mainly acheived with practise. If you stretch a little bit every day this will help.
My 6 year old is in the same boat as you. He's not naturally flexible, and he's surrounded by boys who are very flexible.

I've been told that it can be achieved with gentle stretching every day. We were told to make sure that the muscles are warmed up before stretching, and to hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

He's making slow but steady progress.

Best of luck to you!
Don't give up

I'm 43 and still push myself to tumble when ever I can. My flexibility is not what it was when I was 22 but it's good. The best advice I can give you is to stretch as often as possible, go slow and don't force it, breathe into every stretch.
Stretching for men is very important especially as we get older. Keep it up!

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