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Proud Parent
Mar 7, 2011
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I just need to vent to someone who can sympathize...

The money tree is running out - in addition to our monthly gym tuition, we have to pay for a new floor routine, new leo and warm ups (for each girl), team competition fees (for each girl), and meet entries (for each girl). I cannot believe how freaking expensive this sport is! At least older dd is in love with her new floor music so hopefully she will keep it for two years?!?! Just in time for little dd to go to optionals! Anyone else feeling that pain?

There is a gymnast at our gym who has become incredibly resourceful with paying for her own fees- and has done so for several years. Her mum is the sole parent of a couple kiddos, and she pays the tuition to the gym and annual USAG, but the additional expenses for monthly team dues, competition leos & warmups, meet fees, etc, are up to her. She sells every imaginable thing online- from jewelry to candles, to flower bulbs, to hand crafted goods. I think she even has her own Zazzle page or something similar. She will sell anything that does not jeopardize NCAA eligibility AND she is a 4.0 student.

This gal has been a HUGE inspiration to many. She adored the sport, but once she got past rec it was just not feasible for her family to continue due to finances. With some determination and ingenuity she took matters into her own hands proving that where there is a will there is a way. And if I am not mistaken- she began all this in the mid elementary grades. As her customer base grew, so did her expenses. So far she has only been short a few dollars a couple times according to her mum.

Although I currently have only 1 gymmie in the sport, I am empathetic to the expense. I am trying to find my own entrepreneurial niche so I can be a gym mum AND invest in a new vehicle! Good luck- and think outside the box!
This sport is definitely not for the weak of wallet. It's too bad it has gotten this way. I can say with confidence that the cost of putting on a meet continues to go up and unfortunately these increases have to be passed on as higher entry fees. To keep quality coaches, pay has to increase. This is passed on to parents. The same for insurance, supplies, and the basic cost of keeping the gym's doors open. There probably aren't many (any?) club owners becoming millionaires out there.
I totally feel your pain 2gymmies as I have had 2 in the optional levels for many years...so I have been paying everything times two forever...it's awful when they need new leos, warm ups and routines all at the same time....and don't forget that $1800 per girl assessment for meet/coaches fees! As meet director said, not for the weak of wallet!!!
LOL my money tree die twice already LOL. thank god for the grandparents, tax refunds, and my brother - they all give us money to help DD with this sport

the only vacations we go on are meets that go to other states - we try to add on a day or two for site seeing if we can afford it.
It is hard and we have to re-adjust our spending and adjust our budget to make sure we have enough funds each month.

We start with the mortage, house bills, food, clothing - the real essentials we must pay
then the gym expenses come next
if there is money left then we see what things we consider essentials but are really the non-essentials that we just have to have.
Cable TV/internet connection - basic package no special movie channels etc.
Cell phone - no fancy phone just ones that make phone calls - so no blackberries, no Iphones with all the do dads. It just makes phone calls and does some texting
no NEW cars always used cars and we try to get the lowest price - just need something to get me from point A to point B without breaking down.

its amazing what you can really cut out of your spending when you realize the things you think are essential are reall just the I really really want this and don't think I can live with out it items.

I just need to vent to someone who can sympathize...

The money tree is running out - in addition to our monthly gym tuition, we have to pay for a new floor routine, new leo and warm ups (for each girl), team competition fees (for each girl), and meet entries (for each girl). I cannot believe how freaking expensive this sport is! At least older dd is in love with her new floor music so hopefully she will keep it for two years?!?! Just in time for little dd to go to optionals! Anyone else feeling that pain?

Feel your pain. 2 gymmies, and a horseback rider. I feel constantly broke!
I have really been wanting to join the competitive team, but we just didn't have the money. We have found ways to reduce the cost, though. My parents said they will pay the monthly fee, and I have to pay everything else. That means the assessment fee, meet entry, the fee just to be on the team, competition leotard and warm ups, grips, choreography, etc. My parents applied for financial aid, which will take a percent off the monthly fee. I made a deal with the gym that if I work at their summer camp, they will do my choreography for free. Also, I can buy used warm ups for half price. Luckily for me, I am a big saver, so hopefully I will be able to afford it. But that means no extra things for me! No shopping with my friends, no phone, no new games. It is worth it, though!
Livelovetumble my dd too.
I pay monthly fee, she pays the rest with jobs as a teen.
Its hard - well done!
I know it takes extra hard work and motivation, and organisation.
It will stand you in excellent stead for the rest of your life!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Younger DD just joined a club soccer team. The other parents were going on and on about how expensive it is (not cheap). I was just thankful it was considerably cheaper than gymnastics! Two in gymnastics would be expensive!
Yup, same for me.
My parents pay the monthly fee but I pay meet fees, leotard/warm-up (Luckily the warm-up stays the same every year, and I'm pretty much no longer growing) And all other fees that come up.

Although now that I'll be 19 in August and just graduated Highschool I will start taking over the monthly fee as well.
I'll be working at a daycare from 8-2 every weekday next year along with working at the gym some nights. So I figure I'll use the gym money to pay for gymnastics and then mostly saving money maybe a tad of spending money with the daycare money.
Feel your pain. 2 gymmies, and a horseback rider. I feel constantly broke!

I would venture to guess that horseback riding is more expensive than gym! I looked into lessons for Alex and for just 5 hour long lessons it was going to cost the same as 1 month of tuition at the gym which she gets around 52 hours at...not just 5!

Now that I have 2 gymmies I have double the cost for meet fees due on the 15th first intallment for 2 is $600.00 YIKES!! I can totally feel your pain!! Luckily we are not changing leos this year and she got her music and choreography last year. Oh and I just had to purchase grips for my DS.....2 pair 1 for rings and 1 for high bar! I was a little bit shocked to find this out! BTW they were not any cheaper than the girls grips!! LOL!!
My background is fundraising which made me wonder if there are foundations or other organizations that provide financial aid or scholarships for gymnasts (besides college scholarships). I have spent some time during the past year looking online, but I haven't found too much. Someday if I had the time (and money, of course) it would be a rewarding venture to start. Three that I remember seeing:
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The Broadway Gymnastics Foundation
Yup, riding is expensive! The lessons are$35 an hour for group and $50 an hour for private. However, practice as much as you want if you own or lease your horse! (lol!). Shows are cheaper right now for class fees , $12 per class ( but they ride in multiple classes per show), but then it costs $100 to haul in your horse and pay your trainer, so it's like a meet.
It feels good to commiserate! Thanks for making me feel better - I'm just waiting for one of my kids to say horses, now. LOL!
My background is fundraising which made me wonder if there are foundations or other organizations that provide financial aid or scholarships for gymnasts (besides college scholarships). I have spent some time during the past year looking online, but I haven't found too much. Someday if I had the time (and money, of course) it would be a rewarding venture to start. Three that I remember seeing:
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Link Removed
The Broadway Gymnastics Foundation

Just be careful with what "scholarships" you use because you could risk your daughter's NCAA eligibility in the future by accepting money...
Wow...I have 2 DDs on team and just calulated what it will cost next fall if they compete and I am shocked!!!!!! I could buy them each a car and come out ahead!
I think any competitive sport is expensive. My oldest plays travel softball and club volleyball. Pitching lessons are $40 for a 30 min lesson, and uniforms cost about the same as competition leotard. Tournaments are generally 2 days and while they are less expensive up front, the cost of food and travel are more than gymnastics. The good thing, is that it is a seasonal sport. The bad thing is that softball season runs from March-July for spring and August-November for fall. We do not have to pay our team coach, he volunteers so that is nice. Volleyball runs from December to April with monthly fees and tournament fees adding up to about the same as we pay for gymnastics. The uniform cost is about the same as compeition leo. Not too many local volleyball tournaments and they are all 2 days, so travel expenses add up. I thought we would feel like we were getting a raise when oldest quit gymnastics. Little did I know at the time, youngest would join the gymnastics team and oldest would fall in love with other sports.
With two kids in year round individual sports and one in a year round team sport and other seasonal school related team sports, I do feel the crunch both financially and time wise. My poor little youngest has accustomed herself to sitting in the back seat while I drive the other three around. She once said. I need to exercise too mommy. So I said, "ok, come on out of the car and let's run around the empty parking lot until your sister gets out." :o That was all I had time for. I just don't know where to squeeze in another sport. In all fairness, I did introduce her to dance, ballet, soccer, even gymnastics. She seems content with running around the field or sitting in the car. Force of habit I guess. I may need to push her maybe next year.
At one point i had 3 in gym (2 rec)
And 3 out of 4 in swim club.
Been through athletics (so cheap), boxing , dance, music lessons, drama club - now just gym for 1 and movie maker club for another

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I don't know...there's a family at our gym who has a team gymnast....and her sis is a competitive figure skater...Yikes! Talk about expensive!!! Their fees have fees!!!

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