While on the surface that seems like quite a bit more, it is "only" $1-200/month.Hi there.
Hi there. Sorry for the delay, I’ve been gathering additional cost info for comparison. So the annual cost for my daughter in xcel silver at our current gym is $1,650 greater than the next closest gym. And $2,800 greater than the 2nd closest gym.
Again, I am not trying to influence your decision, only give you more points to think about. Maybe take a peek at the other teams' social media pages-how about scores(I know they are not all important, especially at lower levels, but if at one gym the majority of gymnasts are scoring 8s & 9s while the other is scoring 7s & 8s, and the 3rd high 9s, there likely IS a difference in the level of coaching-and those early skills ARE important to build the foundation of the gymnast for years to come!).
What are you getting for the extra fees? If nothing, then maybe it IS time to move on. However maybe your current gym has more coaches to students, or more training hours, or better/higher qualified coaching staff? I would assume if they're still in business, they offer SOMETHING that is over and above the other gyms in the area. If not, why would anyone stay if there was no added value to be found.
The thing with gymnastics, its not always easy to make apples to apples comparisons when it comes to financials, because there are so many variables and what you get with each gym can vary greatly-often in every aspect!!
Yet, if you only intend to stay in the sport as a fun, recreational activity, you have no desire for your daughter to go on to college or elite gymnastics, then maybe cost should be the single driving factor in your decision? If you want to leave all possibilities open for the future, however, then you may need to look beyond the financials to make the best decision.
P.S. I have never asked about costs at gym(i do many other places in life, I have 5 kids, I have to, just not in gym), it has never once factored into my gym decisions-I feel that my kid has chosen a dangerous sport with a history of some hinky behavior, so cost is the last consideration for me. I want to know their history, reputation, how previous athletes feel about the gym/coaches(would they put their child in the sport? This seems an ultimate indicator-to me, as some will say they would do it again for the opportunities, but wouldnt place their child in that position-its telling!!), any serious injuries that occurred in the gym(im talking broken necks and such, not sprained ankles or broken toes that seem to happen everywhere), how many coaches, how many spotters, are current athletes happy-with healthy self esteem(&weights), if they do weigh-ins-how are they done? How is the team atmosphere? Are the girls best friends or trying to do anything to get ahead of each other(healthy competition & rivalry is great, but there is a line), etc.
If a gym satisfies me in ALL of those areas, then I cannot also be picky about cost-lol. It's a pick your battles and what is most important moment.
However, that is me, my kid, & my situation, your situation very well may be different. AND I do not know your gyms, I don't know that the more expensive gym offers ANYTHING beyond the other gyms. Just something to consider before making a final decision(you have quite awhile to make it).
Like I said, just wanted to offer another perspective to the conversation