Deleted member D3987
Change only happens when people are incented to change or they are penalized in a meaningful way if they don't change. Club coaches have no incentive to change this in the short term. In fact their short term incentives are the opposite.
Trying to do their best for a given athlete and family, prestige and therefore money for their business, power, relationships with college coaches, these are pressures not to fix the problem. the only ones who can fix it are the NCAA, with stricter rules and painful sanctions to Div 1 programs who cheat. Club owners are not in the position to fix it, though yes they are up their elbows in the process.
They could as a group give some feedback to the NCAA but as you can see from Dunno's reaction (assuming he is representative) that's not likely to happen. They don't have any short term incentives to change it.
just how presumptious can one be? most of us disagree with early recruitment. go back and read my previous posts as to how many are actually involved. geesh.