A little of good look please

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Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
I've got my first competition (of this year) tomorrow at 11:30 and I'm very nervous. I need a little of good look especially for my uneven bars routine.
Rosalie I wish you all the luck in the world for your competition, especially on bars! Have fun too!
good lucke and just have fun:D and if you fall smile throu the routen ok they wont deducted as muche .i wishe i was competing

Good luck on your first meet of the season. Tell those nerves to "bug off" before you hit the bars! Have fun!
Good luck Rosalie!! I'm sure you will do great! We'll be thinking of you and sending good luck wishes your way!!!
Good luck Rosalie! We'll be sending good wishes for a great bar routine and a terrific meet!
It went really good. In bars, I didn't fell down :p and I'm classificated (I'm not sure how it write) for the next competition.
In the all around I was seventh :D

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