A new this week I accomplished.....

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Front handspring vaults with a springboard!! And the vault was set up for landing into the pit So I didn't have to worry about the impact on my knee. And I finally got a full turn on beam, whoohoo!!! The last two days of practice have rocked and I can't wait for tomorrow!
Well this week i got my whole bar routine down, i just need to touch it up :) I also made a floor and beam routine so now i just have to "get" some of my skills down... like my BWO BWO on beam and RO BHS BT on floor. my first high school meet is in 2 weeks only.. i'm excited but there's a lot of pressure getting the skills down on time!
I've decided recently that I need to stop avoiding beam :P I had quite a few beam skills before I hurt my ankle over a year ago, but my ankle has been healed enough to work on beam for quite a while! Beam is the hardest event for me. So anyway, last night I worked on choreographing a beam routine and now I just need to work on some of the elements individually. Also worked on bars as always and my fhc's were especially beautiful and I got really nice casts out of them :]
I think next week I want to start working on fhc too, I would love to get it. I have a pretty good mill circle so maybe a fhc wont be too bad. Working on glide swings as usual to continue to work up to my Kip. After my knee is better I will start working on squat on and fly aways again. I need to concentrate on conditioning too like crazy
I've hurt my wrist and need to stay off it so it can heal in time for Masters. Guess I'll be working on beam a lot for the next few weeks. I've been working on jump half turn - it is a little bit small and wimpy at the moment. Also been trying to learn a sissone. Apparently you're supposed to have a full split, so my one isn't going to be quite right, but then again my split leap doesn't get to full split either.
Jump half turn on beam? The thing to remmwber is not to be timid but you know that!
Nicci: Which gym did you get to try the fhc vault? And did you do them again since? Were you scared?
I think fhc is Front Hip Circle. Which would be on bars, not vault, and isn't very scary to attempt.
The Fhs, Front handspring. is on the vault. And I would suggest a coach spot you the first time.

As for this week I accomplished, I am now SUPER close to my long hang kip. Seriously...I'm right there!! It's exciting and yet frustrating all at the same time.
I think she met fhs vault, she's a lvl 9 lol. I dis it over at OTW and no haven't done it since because this week there was floor andbars...vault is next week, and very few ppl do I feel comfortable spotting me. I was wicked scared at first but they're really fun I just have to learn to pop off. And I was afraid of My knee giving out on me but it held up
I think fhc is Front Hip Circle. Which would be on bars, not vault, and isn't very scary to attempt.

Haha, maybe not for you, but it sounds really scary to me! I've never tried it. I've never seen anyone do FHC over here, seems it just isn't done here.

I tried to train Wednesday night, did some conditioning and stretching okay, but then even when I tried skills that didn't use my hands, I'd hurt my wrist anyway when I lost my balance and put my hand out - I'm sure you know what I mean. I got depressed and went home feeling sorry for myself. I've got a physio appointment today.
Lol I know that you're an 8, that's what I get for typing on my phone. :)
I've been working on bhs for the last couple of classes and I finally made a breakthrough last night! I always had great form going over a barrel, but as soon as I would try it without the barrel I couldn't get my body to stretch out (my coach says it's probably a self preservation thing). Last night someone told me to open my shoulders and they physically pulled my arms back so I could feel it, and then the beginning of my bhs was magically fixed! Now I just have to work on not pulling my legs over so quickly and I'll be good to go :] I'm so excited because I've been mentally struggling with this skill FOREVER!
Oh and I forgot to say last week that my roundoffs have improved a lot also and I can do more of them without feeling like I was shot in the hip :P
well i had my first high school meet :-) it was different but fun and more laid back. my routines went well and as planned except i forgot my beam routine right when i got up there so i totally made the whole thing up lol. i got my ro bhs back tuck back just on time without spot on floor. and i sticked my front tuck dismount of beam that i've been worrying about :)
Today was a good practice, and tons of fun too. Friday practices are a lot of work on basics day for me, so we did a bazillion handstands(which were awesome for me consistently, something clicked finally), I did front bounders from the tramp to the pit, which I was glad my knee held up! Now, here is one thing that continues to confound me, and everytime I think I get it, and post on here that I got it, I lose it.....my pullover. Other things on bars I understand the concept of, I have a 50% kip, i have a mill circle, an awesome glide swing, bhc, working fhc, working squat on, but my pullover? It always comes and goes! And when I think I have it, I lose it again! This has been happening for like, two years now, enough is enough! And when I do get it, I don't know whta I am doing to have it. I guess nothing ever clicked for me, but it's frustrating. I mean, I can do it with something to jump off of, or with a spring board, no problem. But doing it without??? GRRRRR Oh, and I found out I do indeed need to have surgery on my knee again, it is a torn meniscus this time, but it's only 6 weeks recovery, as opposed to six months
I finally got my squat on - long hang Kip! Now I can start putting a routine together. My hands are killing me.

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Well, my wrist is improving. I trained for the first time in weeks today, bet I'll be sore tomorrow. Masters is only 2 weeks away. I still don't have a floor routine. I've created some music and know what moves I want to include, but putting it all together with the right timing is a huge challenge. I love dancing, but I guess I'm just not a natural mover! I pinched some dance moves out of my DD's step 4 routine. I still can't do much on my hand, but I tried a gentle 3 quarter handstand today and it seems okay. Physio taped my wrist yesterday and I tried out my new tiger paws and they seemed pretty good. Avoided bar totally, too easy to wrench wrists. Beam routine coming together quite well. I was going to include a handstand, but I think it is too late for that now, so it will just be jumps, leaps and turns.

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