aau junior olympics 2009

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Jan 2, 2009
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I posted a reply on the adult gymnastics competition forum but noticed that not many people have been paying attention to that thread recently so I decided to start another specifically having to do with the aau junior olympics this year.

I was wondering how many of you are planning on competing, what ages you are, what your skill level is and what events you'd like compete in? I'm 28 myself and probably about a level 6/7. As of right now I'm only taking an hour private lesson once a week and hoping they will allow me to come in and practice on my own as competition time approaches. Sometimes I feel its kind of silly of me to be trying to compete again, especially since I'm not that advanced and am still struggling with some basic skills such as a front handspring on vault, using the springboard instead of a mini trampoline. I would like to compete floor, bars and vault if I'm ready but wanted to know what everyone else's plans are.

I'll have to travel all the way from the east coast of South Carolina to Iowa if I end up competing. I don't know if I'll be able to get a coach to go with me or not since I am the only adult gymnast in my area. Are any of you traveling a long distance also to go to this competition? Do you know if you have to have a coach with you?
i am interested & would be coming in from the south...but i am a true beginner...never competing before. i am looking for the lowest level allowable & more info.
I would LOVE to compete in the JO, but there is NO way I would be close to ready by then, depending on my life next year, maybe I will do something like that then. Until then, I will keep working towards next season!
I'm 31 years old (from Florida) and I've competed in this competition the past 2 years. I'm not sure if I'll compete again this year or not. You don't have to bring a coach in the ladies division and you can choose between modified optional or level 8. You also don't have to go to the qualifiers...ladies division competitors can choose to just do this competition. In the past, I've done the qualifiers just as an opportunity to compete with my younger teammates. In general, I prefer competing in USAG versus AAU, but I've enjoyed the AAU national level meets.
i too am going to take this year off from competitions (due to an ankle injury). i'm 30 and competed the aau modified optionals. last year, when i was looking into competions, aau was the one that responded first, so i signed up. usag sounds like they have more options for meets, but they are also more expensive.
don't feel "silly" being older and working on gymnastics, you have no idea how many of those girls look up to you and see you as a role model.
i'm probably a level 7 or 8. back in the day, i made it to level 9 but i only competed through level 8. bars is my favorite event.
you might want to consider competing beam too. that way you can do all around. water your beam down. that is what i did. it was sooooo weird being up on a lone balance beam for the competition. i felt like i was 12 again, all nervous!
Well now I can't decide whether I want to try and compete or go to the camp at woodward. It sounds like most of you are taking this year off so I'm thinking maybe I should wait until next year but at the same time I'm anxious to try and compete again. Its been so long and it sounds like fun. I'm going to have to work hard though if I'm going to. I have a lot of skills by themselves on bars but I have to string them all together, vault I've been cheating and using a mini tramp because then I try more fun skills and I haven't even touched the beam in a long time. I was never very good at beam because I get so nervous competing I start shaking and then I'm so wobbly. Then my jumps are about an inch high. I'm thinking I just need to get myself up there and get used to it again.

Well anyway, if any of you decide you are going to compete this year let me know and that might help me make a final decision, as long as my husband's ok with it. At least then I'll kind of know someone when I get there even if we're not from the same area.
What is the difference between the Age Group Nationals in Florida and the Junior Olympic Nationals for AAU?
Kylie, thanks for all the info on the AAU Nationals. I am going to look into it. I might be able to pull off entering as a level 8. Not sure if we can afford the plane ticket and hotel.

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