Parents advice please

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Nov 17, 2009
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ok, about 6 months ago we made the decision to leave a gym that she had been at for a long time. The gym had coaching issues, management issues,it closed then opened up again etc. anyway, I know that was the right decision but where we ended up, I am not to sure. I put her in the next closest gym with great coaches, the XXXXXXX. Her skills have improved alot. That said, it is Jan and no floor routine and scheduled for only 2 meets plus state at level 7(she is repeating). She was supposed to have a team but 2 of the girls left for the big gym over cmas break.( So there are just 2 optionials here now.) This gym they went to is huge. It has over half of all optionals in our area and some of the kids have recieved full rides to college. It is expensive but, everyone seems to go there. What do you look for in a gym for team gymnastics? The truth is before our old gym imploded it was like a family. I miss that and don't get that at this gym. I feel its to late to switch now, but wondered if I picked the right gym. BTW, there are for us, like about 8 choices. Gyms seem to be everywhere.
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I edited your post to remove the coaches names, knowing what I know putting your HC's name out in lights is asking for the kind of attention you do not need. Try to keep some anonymity, the gym world is very small and parents have been thrown out of clubs for this kind of stuff. Seems harsh but business is business.
Pick the gym based on what is best for your child. Is she happy where she is? Is she having fun? Is she advancing? Will your gym assist her in getting ready to do college videos etc IF she is deciding to do college gymnastics? Bigger doesn't always mean the best fit.
It sounds as though you are not thrilled with the new gym. You didn't say how old your daughter is, but if she is getting close to high school and wants to potentially compete in college, you may want to consider a gym that has more potential for her and coaches that are familiar with the whole college process. That being said, moving to a big gym like the one you mentioned does not guarantee anything. As an outsider looking in, the big gym you mentioned, sounds fabulous! It has very successful teams, college scholarships, etc. Why wouldn't you want to go there? However, from my personal experience, everything is not as it seems. Some of these very big gyms with large successful programs only really focus on a few "superstars" and although they have winning teams, the kids have to take alot of "privates" to get attention from the coaches. Also, they win because they have kids repeat levels year after year..... I agree with Cher062. Bigger is not always the best fit.
I have nothing against these coaches, sorry to mention the names. It's just that I do not know what makes a good gym. They are really good coaches but have only owned the place for 2 years. The big gym is the only one of 2 in the area to have college bound kids. Most of the kids though, did not start there. They just end up there. My dd is now 13 in 7th grade and repeating level 7. We have 3 other gyms all with optionals. Our current gym only has my dd and 1 other bcause 2 left and 1 dropped out. Anyway is it better to have world renound coaches or an optional group?

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