Woo hoo!!! They worked, they worked they worked!!!
My DD got her new, smaller Hot Shots grips today. She did a few swings with them at home before practice. She was sure they would be just the same as the other ones. She cried and cried that she didn't want to use them. So, I put my foot down and told her she absolutely must try them at practice today and she could either cry and get all worked up about it or she could make up her mind that she was going to be able to do it.
She chose door number 2. And it was beautiful!!! My DH took her to practice tonight and he said she had no problem at all! She put them on with no protest, she didn't hesitate to get on the bars with them and she did the whole routine, including the jump to the high bar, with no trouble. But the best part is that she is happy with them. She's even talking about getting a 2nd pair as a back-up, just in case. Woo hoo!!!! :bouncy:
So, thank you to everybody who has consoled and counseled through this crisis. You all are wonderful!!!
My DD got her new, smaller Hot Shots grips today. She did a few swings with them at home before practice. She was sure they would be just the same as the other ones. She cried and cried that she didn't want to use them. So, I put my foot down and told her she absolutely must try them at practice today and she could either cry and get all worked up about it or she could make up her mind that she was going to be able to do it.
She chose door number 2. And it was beautiful!!! My DH took her to practice tonight and he said she had no problem at all! She put them on with no protest, she didn't hesitate to get on the bars with them and she did the whole routine, including the jump to the high bar, with no trouble. But the best part is that she is happy with them. She's even talking about getting a 2nd pair as a back-up, just in case. Woo hoo!!!! :bouncy:
So, thank you to everybody who has consoled and counseled through this crisis. You all are wonderful!!!