MAG All State Teams

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Proud Parent
Oct 7, 2013
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Quick question as we're MAG newbies. Despite DS not having his best meet, he qualified to our state's All-State Team for level 4. From what was announced at state meet, this is the top 20 level 4 boys, 18 highest AA scores from ages 6, 7, and 8, then the next two highest AA scores from all ages. We were totally surprised, he got a certificate and a t-shirt, and we congratulated him and went on our merry way.

I'm pretty sure he just squeaked by "making the team", and I suspect there's some luck at play. Does every state have this? Is there some normalized selection criteria from state-to-state? I can't tell if it's the top 6 AA finishers for each of the 3 ages, or if it's really the top 18 AA scores? I love my DS dearly, but I'm skeptical whether he was really in the top 18, rather than the top 6 of his age group (his age group was a bit easier than the 6 & 7 year olds). This doesn't matter to me, but DS is babbling in excitement (it's one thing big sis can never get), and I want to make sure he's being accurate if I can... he's quite proud of himself (especially after having had 2-3 rough events), and this silly guy has grand ideas as to what this all means. :) I told him I'm 99% sure that it's just the awesome shirt and certificate, but he's yet to come down off cloud nine.

I can find no information anywhere, so I thought I'd check here. I'd had no idea all state team was even a thing.

We're also feeling awful that his "super awesome" older teammate who has consistently scored 3 points higher wasn't named to the team. Is this as unfair as it feels?

Thanks for any help. :)
We don't have anything like this in our state, so I have no idea. But congrats to your ds!
I have no idea. Our state, starting at level 5 does teams for regionals. They are the top 6 kids combined from certain combined age groups.

Let him be proud though, as he did meet whatever the stated criterion was.
We have state teams for levels 5 and 6. They are made up of the top 6 scorers for the "in age" groups, so 6-10 yr olds for level 5 and 7-11 yr olds for level 6. But it's only the top 6 overall who make it, not per age group, so for example, this year the 7 yr old and 8 yr old state champions didn't make state team for L5 because the 9 and 10 yr olds scored so high. The state team competes against the other state teams in our region at a separate meet in April.
Thanks, all! I would have replied sooner but I caught my son's nasty cold.

It definitely seems that this varies state-to-state. We're super proud of him and letting him bask in his awesomeness... To a point. ;) Can't let him get too cocky (he still has to practice hard!). The best part is that it seems to be motivating him to work even harder at practice.

I don't understand the selection criteria one iota, but he's definitely not in the top 20 AA for 6-8 year olds. That said, we'll let him enjoy the "win" no matter how it came!
Does this mean he is going to regionals as a level 4? Our region does not send a 4s to regionals. But for the upper levels they do, and they also do State teams. There is a set number of kids who can go to regionals from each age group. If any child who qualifies does not want to go the regionals or cannot attend regionals, or, (if they qualified for the state team) cannot attend the state team training, they must decline their placement on the all star team or at regionals. And if this happens, kids "below" them in scoring are moved up.
Does this mean he is going to regionals as a level 4? Our region does not send a 4s to regionals. But for the upper levels they do, and they also do State teams. There is a set number of kids who can go to regionals from each age group. If any child who qualifies does not want to go the regionals or cannot attend regionals, or, (if they qualified for the state team) cannot attend the state team training, they must decline their placement on the all star team or at regionals. And if this happens, kids "below" them in scoring are moved up.

I am pretty sure he does not, as boys team just sent out their regionals e-mail. It explicitly said only level 5+. That said, I would not be especially surprised to find I'm missing info this big. ;)
Ok then I do not get it at all- why name an all state team if they are not competing as a team anywhere? Personally I would probably ask the coach what this meant, privately, just to have clarity.
Ok then I do not get it at all- why name an all state team if they are not competing as a team anywhere? Personally I would probably ask the coach what this meant, privately, just to have clarity.

The funny thing is my son has said things such as " I think this means I get to go to regionals" and "I get to go to camp"... That said, he has a giant imagination. This is largely why I posted the thread, to see if there was a universal thing. ;) I just really think it's the shirt and certificate of achievement for level 4, but I'll ask. Thanks again. :)
The funny thing is my son has said things such as " I think this means I get to go to regionals" and "I get to go to camp"... That said, he has a giant imagination. This is largely why I posted the thread, to see if there was a universal thing. ;) I just really think it's the shirt and certificate of achievement for level 4, but I'll ask. Thanks again. :)
Can you search for your states USAG men's website? There may be more info to help explain it.
Can you search for your states USAG men's website? There may be more info to help explain it.

I did, actually. There nothing! LOL. All I can find is a list of boys who have been named to all-state team before.

And for our region, our state's boys enrollment is even pretty high. Sigh.
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Well I am with your son. It's confusing! Where I live, when boys are named to a state team at the state meet awards, that absolutely means they get to go to regionals (with everyone else who qualified for regionals) and also they go to a (one day) training camp for the state team. It means they will compete on the state team- representing their state- at regionals. They also get (have to buy? not sure) a state team uniform to wear at the regional meet. All Level 4s go to State (They do not have to qualify) but that is as far as they go no matter how well they place and everyone knows it, so there is no "state team" named for 4s- or at least, there was not when my sons were 4s. I suppose this may have changed.
We have an all state team. It has changed through the years, but now it's just a shirt and certificate. If it's my state it's the top six of each age group (6"s, 7's and 8's) and
then the top two if the older boys. This is for level four.

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