I think the important thing to do right now is to see what kind of attitude the gym owners/coaches have with you now that they know you want to stay and not find another gym. If they are supportive of that and will offer privates for dd to uptrain so she is not bored then you know that they are sincere. If they do not work with you and continue to discourage staying, then there may be different motives behind what they are saying to you. Having a young kid in the gym that is talented only makes other kids more enthusiastic and want to do well also. It would only promote more business in the gym IMO.
What does your gut say? Do you think they are sincere and have her best interest at heart or are they trying to push you out of the gym "in a nice way"?? Not that they would be, just something to think about.
again, thank you ALL sooooo much for helping me here. I REALLY REALLY mean that.
Honestly, my heart tells me that they truly hold very high her best interest. I probably haven't given this impression, but I do have a pretty good relationship with the owner, and like I said we get together socially on occasion (and probably would more often if our schedules didn't conflict so often - and that's on my end of the schedule)...
I think I really took what they were saying the wrong way. The reason that I really go SO bent out of shape about it is that:
I know that my dd is very talented. and when they came to me with this, it freaked me out...dd is showing WAY more talent in gymnastics than I ever dreamed of. I had NO clue that she would ever be this good at it. From the time I started taking her to class she just keeps progressing and getting stronger and doing new things each week. Her gymnastics (form and technique) is even very polished for her age and considering the length of time that she's been training. I find it really amazing to watch her and it just makes my heart sing that she is growing in the gym - and all of her success in there so far. She is blessed with a gift - there is no doubt in my mind. I'm about to cry just thinking about her. She's such a great child and I'm glad she's mine! I know that all parents feel this way about their children...isn't it a great feeling though? tears....
the upset part for me comes with the fact that we live where we live and that if we lived somewhere else, she might be able to more with her gymnastics than she can here. And I'm feeling a little responsible...I probably shouldn't feel that way, but i do. I feel like i'm standing in the way of her being able to do what she's best at right now.
but with all of that said, i'm not going to do anything differently with her right now. Like a few of you said, "if it's not broken, why fix it?" I may let her do some private lessons - and I'm sure that the coach wouldn't mind the extra $ either! And I know that he would be happy to work with her - they've offered before, but i declined because i was occupied with ds and his extra curriculars...
we'll see what that does for her. she'll be excited, i know it!