Parents Anonymity on CB

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I figured out that someone here is at our gym, based on different things she wrote about. I had taken notice of her because she mentioned being in my city, and there aren't *that* many gyms here. I PM'd her to ask, just because she was so positive about the team & the coaches in all of her posts and my kids are still in preschool classes. It is nice to know what we have to look forward to if my kids end up doing competitive gymnastics.
I'm still relative new to CB.
I have seen that everyone here takes anonymity pretty seriously.

My question for you veterans - have you ever gone to a meet where you know someone from CB will be? Do you try to say a "Hi!" or do you not ask who someone is, and just still be anonymous?

There is a chance I will be in that position next fall, and I just want to make sure to follow CB etiquette :)
Lol yes and we are and some were at the same gym
I've met one person from CB at a meet - our Canada group is sort of small, so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to narrow down your options. And there are a couple of us from the same gym on here.

And through chatting, I've PMed with another mom whose daughter was at a travel meet I was also at. Since she couldn't make it to the meet I texted her play by plays of how her daughter was doing. A group of us attempted to get together but it didn't pan out.

Sometimes it's nice to have friends :)

I'd be happy to meet people that I've "met" online and had a good rapport with.

I know it's against the rules, but I'm sharing a picture someone snapped of Dunno at a meet getting ready to question a vault score.
Let's be honest - if you're looking for anonymity, posting to an open internet forum isn't your best choice. Anonymity is an illusion. Never say anything you wouldn't say to a person's face. Life lesson right there, folks.

Truthfully, I'm not worried about posting pictures or videos of my DD since IRL she is always protected and it's no worse than posting the same things to Facebook. If someone figures out who I am based on my posts (and 1 person has - Hi @emilykatherine ) then I hope they DO step up and say Hi. Love meeting new people, well, you know, provided I like you already. :eek:
I'm glad I brought this up!
I've seen a few posts here that made me think it was almost against decorum to know who someone is, or to share something that might give yourself away.

I'm so glad I found this forum so I can ask all my questions, and the coach doesn't know just how stupid I am about gymnastics :)
I'm so glad I found this forum so I can ask all my questions, and the coach doesn't know just how stupid I am about gymnastics :)
well, unless he/she visits CB and recognizes your avatar, of course... :)
well, unless he/she visits CB and recognizes your avatar, of course... :)

so true, we have a pretty crappy camera in the gym which projects a video in the café, only the front part of the floor is in focus, however I can usually spot who is who just by the way the run, vault, swing, so the coach is going to know immediately
well, unless he/she visits CB and recognizes your avatar, of course... :)

Very true! But at least I'm not boring her with the stupid questions :)

Of course, now you have me rethinking my avatar! LOL!
So an example about anonymity.....

I took DD to IGC yesterday. 875 miles round trip. Got home at 11pm. Checked my email, and there was a message for me via Chalkbucket - is your daughter at IGC this week? This from a person I've not met, nor really introduced myself to. She was going through the website photos at IGC and recognized my DD from her video clips on YouTube.

It was fine with me, but there you have it. You can be over 400 miles away, think no one has a clue who you are, as you are from a different country, and you get home and VOILA. You've been found ;)
It's a small "gym" world, especially as the kids get into the higher levels. I have met several CB'ers, some, like others have said I am now close friends with and look forward to seeing at meets and on a personal level. If I want to meet someone I would send them a PM and ask. I've only had 1 person say they didn't want to meet because they wanted to maintain there anonymity, which I respect but like I said the "gym" world is small at the upper levels and I think most of us can figure who each other is, which for the most part has been done already.

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