Your school systems seem very over the top, and I understand why the US has such a high number of families who choose to homeschool.
Here in Australia,N they are far more forgiving for absences. I have never even heard of a truant officer. I have never heard of anyone being taken to court over attendance. Schools chase up absences of course, but along the lines of a phone call or a letter to chat to parents about it, in extreme cases I know they can issue a fine, but I have never heard of one being issued.
Kids can't fail the grade because of absences, they can't force them to repeat, although the school might encourage it if the kid missed 60-70% of school days, but ultimately the parent can choose for their child to move up.
92% attendance is considered excellent, and in many schools they might have a special reward like a pizza party or fun excursion for any kid who has 92% attendance or above. 85% attendance is in the green zone and working well.
Many kids have 50-60% attendance and there are always kids with as little at 20-30%. In our indigenous towns the schools will have incentives to try and encourage kids to go to school, like if they attend for the full 5 days they get free swims on Friday or get to take an iPad home for the weekend.