Any other adult gymnasts??

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Not an adult gymnast yet but I do plan to be! Haha, I started when I was 14 and now I'm 17 and this will be my last summer being apart of the team at my current gym. But I'm not ready to stop and plan on maybe doing club gymnastics at school or finding an adult gym :)
I am sort of an adult gymnast (i say sort of because I don't have many skills) a kid I always wanted to do gymnastics but never did so I taught myself cartwheels, one handed cartwheels, backbends, etc. Last year my interest was rekindled after years of not doing even a handstand. ...I was surprised to discover that I couldn't even do a handstand against the wall initially!

Unfortunately last month I was doing an L hang pull up and injured my shoulder and it's still not better. I can't do any gym because it hurts to hold my arm up near my ears. I'm worried when I heal I will have lost all the progress I made:(

But I'm glad to see there are lots of other adult gymnasts out there representing

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