Parents Anyone else's dd getting ready for States this weekend?

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Optional states this weekend in WA for our peanut. She's working hard in the gym and is confident.

To the parent who asked about handling the stress on me, I'm not competing she is. As a former athlete, I secretly want her to dominate the competition, but really want her to just have fun and enjoy what she is doing. I always tell her just do your best, and have fun while doing it then the rest will take care of itself.
Hi crazygymmom, you are in the same region as me! Region 3. Colorado's usag site posted the breakdown by age for each state in our region. Go to and choose level 8 regionals on the home page. Good Luck to your daughter!! I have an 8 and 10 competing this weekend, double stress!
Thanks. I found it. Dd is in the youngest group, up against 3, and they're taking 1. (and it says 4 more from the whole group?? Any ideas what that means). DD has beat these girls a few times this year, they haven't beat her in AA. But this is gymnastics.... :)
crazygymmom - 4 more from the whole group would mean the top 4 all-around scores from the whole meet, regardless of age, who didn't already get one of the automatic spots from their age group
crazygymmom - 4 more from the whole group would mean the top 4 all-around scores from the whole meet, regardless of age, who didn't already get one of the automatic spots from their age group

Thanks! That makes me feel a lot better. It looks like almost 1/2 of our girls will be going and not to brag, but my daughter usually falls pretty high in the rankings.
Yes, she did move up to Level 10..... Also has grown quite a bit this year...She has had a difficult time staying on beam. ;) Actually had fallen pretty much ever meet until our home meet. We just got back from states....She did ok... but fell on floor. We did make it to Regionals.. so she is very happy! Lots of great gymnasts in the area so I don't expect her to go to Nationals this year.... (there were a lot of high scores) but that's ok. We always have next year. Hope you guys had a great state meet :) Can't wait to hear about it! :)

Kevchriswilli - sorry to hear the season has been a little rough! Did you dd move up to 10? I hope she can pull it together from here on out! My dd is doing a 2nd yr of 9, so it's a little easier for her. She will definitely do 10 next year & I'm not expecting the same level of success as she has felt this season.
This is my 1st time back on CB since my dd had States on Sunday! She definitely made Regionals... In addition, she placed 2nd on Vault, 5th on beam & floor and is the State Champion on bars and AA. She broke the state record for bars, which was just icing on the cake! She had the rest of Sunday to be on cloud 9 and now it's back to working hard and focusing on Regionals! I told her bars coach was going to be even harder on her now & she knows it! State meet is just one meet, Regionals the slate is wiped clean and it's a whole new ball game!
Congratulations to your dd Grannysmith! I had been checking to see if you had posted an update! So glad she had an awesome meet! Good luck at Regionals!
We also have States this weekend and I am hoping it goes well....our State groups by age for States (do all States do it this way?!) so my daughter will be competing all alone. Benefit is 1:1 with both coaches and she loves them both! Negative is there are no teammates to chat with and be 'distracted' by....can make for a long session....waiting....don't want to see her lose her positive 'nervous' energy!

Oh well, it is what it is! She had a great meet 2 weeks ago and feels good about her season so far, so that is the best I can ask for!
Random but related question for those who know more than me :-)

How come qualifying for Regionals at Level 8 is about a certain top % but for 9/10 it's 'just' a 34?? Why can't 8s also be 34? Is it because the skills are harder and they want more girls to have a chance to get to Regionals at 9/10?

Also, on a separate note, as I mentioned in my above post, my daughter competes alone in her session due to age.

This has been true the past 2 what I do for her is make a little 'goody bag' with a few pieces of candy, pretzels etc.....and I put a little note in the bag saying 'great job'....You're a great gymnast, hard worker etc....

Then I write on the bag "Open after you compete your last event"

Kind of a little connection for us from the stands to the gym floor....and a little something for when she's 'done' but waiting....and I think the little note is good to read matter how she scores .

Just thought I'd share.
We also have States this weekend and I am hoping it goes well....our State groups by age for States (do all States do it this way?!) so my daughter will be competing all alone. Benefit is 1:1 with both coaches and she loves them both! Negative is there are no teammates to chat with and be 'distracted' by....can make for a long session....waiting....don't want to see her lose her positive 'nervous' energy!

Oh well, it is what it is! She had a great meet 2 weeks ago and feels good about her season so far, so that is the best I can ask for!

Sounds exactly like my DD! She had a very good meet 2wks ago, and will be alone. However, we just found out her rotation and she is excited about starting on vault AND her coach from her old gym will be in the same squad -bonus! (loved coach, left due to gym issues).

And our Region is Top 8 for L8 regionals, nerve wracking! Good luck to your DD!
Random but related question for those who know more than me :-)

How come qualifying for Regionals at Level 8 is about a certain top % but for 9/10 it's 'just' a 34?? Why can't 8s also be 34? Is it because the skills are harder and they want more girls to have a chance to get to Regionals at 9/10?

Also, on a separate note, as I mentioned in my above post, my daughter competes alone in her session due to age.

This has been true the past 2 what I do for her is make a little 'goody bag' with a few pieces of candy, pretzels etc.....and I put a little note in the bag saying 'great job'....You're a great gymnast, hard worker etc....

Then I write on the bag "Open after you compete your last event"

Kind of a little connection for us from the stands to the gym floor....and a little something for when she's 'done' but waiting....and I think the little note is good to read matter how she scores .

Just thought I'd share.

Well for Level 8 the highest meet is Regionals, so there are States that take % and there are other that state you have to have a 34. Most of the one that do top % have many girls in the age group. But even for the the states that take top %, those have to have at least a 34.

The reason why 9/10 states you just need a 34 is because you are qualifying to Regionals. It is at L9 Regionals where you have to be top 6 to go onto Easterns with 7th & 8th as alternates for Regions 5-8 where there are 16 age groups. For Regions 1-4 for L9, the age groups are different, Westerns only has 8 age groups total, they take, I believe top 12 to Westerns. L10 is different. I believe it's top 6 go to Nationals, 7th & 8th are alternates but make NIT if they don't get moved up to nationals. 9th & 10th go to NIT. It sounds all crazy now, but you will totally understand it once you dd gets to the levels involved. I've done my best to explain it! :o
We also have States this weekend and I am hoping it goes well....our State groups by age for States (do all States do it this way?!) so my daughter will be competing all alone. Benefit is 1:1 with both coaches and she loves them both! Negative is there are no teammates to chat with and be 'distracted' by....can make for a long session....waiting....don't want to see her lose her positive 'nervous' energy!

Oh well, it is what it is! She had a great meet 2 weeks ago and feels good about her season so far, so that is the best I can ask for!

Oh, by the way, good luck this weekend! Competing by herself will give her the perfect opportunity to me meet and talk with the other girls in her squad. The girls might be a little standoff-ish if they are younger, but once they get older they all talk in the squad!
Sounds exactly like my DD! She had a very good meet 2wks ago, and will be alone. However, we just found out her rotation and she is excited about starting on vault AND her coach from her old gym will be in the same squad -bonus! (loved coach, left due to gym issues).

And our Region is Top 8 for L8 regionals, nerve wracking! Good luck to your DD!

thanks and good luck to your daughter, too. And great to start on Vault...I know that's supposed to be a good thing :-) We never know the rotation order until we get to the meet.

My daughter is Level 7 so no worries about the whole Regional thing yet! Have fun!
Well for Level 8 the highest meet is Regionals, so there are States that take % and there are other that state you have to have a 34. Most of the one that do top % have many girls in the age group. But even for the the states that take top %, those have to have at least a 34.

The reason why 9/10 states you just need a 34 is because you are qualifying to Regionals. It is at L9 Regionals where you have to be top 6 to go onto Easterns with 7th & 8th as alternates for Regions 5-8 where there are 16 age groups. For Regions 1-4 for L9, the age groups are different, Westerns only has 8 age groups total, they take, I believe top 12 to Westerns. L10 is different. I believe it's top 6 go to Nationals, 7th & 8th are alternates but make NIT if they don't get moved up to nationals. 9th & 10th go to NIT. It sounds all crazy now, but you will totally understand it once you dd gets to the levels involved. I've done my best to explain it! :o

OK, I think it makes sense! And I think our state is top 10 or 12 for Level 8 with a second team as well. So top 20 total??

At level 7 not thinking fully about it yet!!
Oh, by the way, good luck this weekend! Competing by herself will give her the perfect opportunity to me meet and talk with the other girls in her squad. The girls might be a little standoff-ish if they are younger, but once they get older they all talk in the squad!

Thank you...I need all the luck I can get sitting in the stands by myself! Our team is split by days and it's far enough that no one really wants to stay in a hotel if they can avoid it, much as they love the girls and want to see them compete!

As for talking to the others in her squad, not sure how that will daughter is a kid who likes to focus on what she's doing and is not one for 'idle chit chat'...she is the one who might be a little standoffish! Really nice kid but not one to be in your face unless she knows you well! Love the coaches and hoping they help by talking to her, keeping her focused and maybe engaging in chatter with the other coaches/girls??

It will all work out in the end, I"m sure!

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