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Jul 19, 2011
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SO over it. It was nice at first, but on day 3 now. One day was an early release from school. Yesterday we did a 2 hour delay. Today, snow day. No gym Monday, and probably none tonight although we haven't heard yet. Loving the moisture, but the snow is getting old. It is spring, right????
snow april.jpg
I am so with you! We are in central Canada and no melt yet and everyday a little more snow...YUK! Mother Nature if you are listening....send some sunshine and warm weather!!
I think we got this one from you guys ;) We have 14 inches and still snowing. The best part was overnight where it warmed just enough to rain for a bit before the temp dropped again. So the snow has about 1 inch of ice on top now, and it is snowing on the ice. LOL! WE had the mildest winter...and the winteriest spring!!
all over Britain there has been lots of snow this winter, but we haven't had a flake ( much to the smalls disgust). The easterly air stream that kept the UK so cold for so long has abated now and the wind has shifted to the South West - its noticeably warmer today, infact today was the first day at Zumba we had the windows open so spring is definately on the way over here.
I'm in the US but I feel ya! We have 16 inches and its still coming down. No snow days for us though. Our school district is the only on in our half of the state that didn't shut down!

We got 10 inches last week too. I'm more than ready for summer :)
We finally got rid of our snow yesterday - yay! We had 14-16' drifts across the roads and weren't able to open our front door. Now it's warm and windy. Would a couple of sunny, still spring days be too much to ask?!
Glad we are not alone in our endless winter. We have had our snow melt totally in our yard twice to only have a snow storm come to cover everything up again and up to 4 inches! and its coming down again as I write! where o where did spring go?
We ended the 3 days with 22 inches of fresh white stuff. That was yesterday. Today, it is melting quite a bit. That is the best part of where we live ;) It snows and melts quickly. Should mostly be gone by Sunday, and then.....another snow storm. Looks like winter decided to come visit this spring!
In central Canada too...this year it hasn't been too bad, just a few inches of snow left hiding in the shade. But there has been massive snow storms in May before, so trying not to get too hopeful! :cold:
I wish it would snow, ok not snow but I wish it would rain...I would even do a rain dance and promise to cut all my neighbors lawns with a pair of hand scissors if only it would rain for a few days.

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