Parents Back problems and PT

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Along the lines Gym0m suggests, I wonder if yoga would help?
Along the lines Gym0m suggests, I wonder if yoga would help?

Yes, actually DD's been doing yoga before her back started hurting. We stopped because i wasn't sure if it was safe. But I asked PT yesterday, and she said yes, yoga is fine, minus the back arching. So, she is going back next week.
Ballet I'm not sure. She's never liked it, and I don't think it would fit into our schedule. The only reason we could fit yoga is because one of the team's girl's mom owns a studio and does a class specifically for our team girls that fits into out crazy schedule.:)
Hi, looking for an update., How is her back?
Hi, looking for an update., How is her back?

Not much to update. She's been off gymnastics for over a month now, but says her back still hurts. Although, yesterday while PT was messaging her back, DD pointed to a spot where it hurts, and it's not really a spot where her stress reaction was. PT said she felt her muscles were very tense at that spot, so it sounds more like it's a muscle pain at this point. We go to OT in addition to PT, who is specifically working on relaxing DD's back muscles. We only had one session so far, so no noticeable changes yet, but I'm hopeful that OT will help.
I thought it's time I post another update to our saga here. :)

First, funny story. So, I never actually shared that article with the PT. I just talked to her about the flexibility and the things that could have contributed to DD's back problems. We seemed to be on the same page regarding what DD needs to work on, so I left it at that. Couple weeks ago we come in for our usual appointment, and PT says " I found this great website, it's by this guy who is both gymnastics coach and PT, and he posts some great articles on preventing gymnastics injuries. I'll give you the link, and you should share it with the coaches." And of course it's the same website that I've been talking about here. :)

Now for the actual update. We did another MRI 3 weeks ago, it came back almost all clear. The doctor said "almost" is fine, because it takes some time for the imaging to clear up completely. She approved DD going back to gymnastics. So, now we are working with PT to slowly transition back to gymnastics. Veeerrrryyyyy slooooowwwllllllyyyyy. It's been 3 weeks, and she still isn't allowed to do any back bending, and very little impact. But that's good, we want to make sure this doesn't happen again in 6 months, like last time.

Another thing I wanted to share, in case it would be useful to someone else. One of the members here suggested I look into Myofascial Release (MFR). I did. Found a wonderful therapist not far from us.
She thought the main DD's problem was a constricted Psoas muscle, which made her pelvis tilt forward, creating a curve is her spine, which accounted for the injury. Here is an article that explains it better:

So, MFR therapist has worked with DD for the last 3 months. I think it made a huge difference. DD's pelvis is now back where it should be, and her posture is much better (our sports doctor noticed that too).

So, this is where we are now. Hopefully the combination of PT and MFR will help preventing the injury from re-occurring again.
Glad to hear she is able to start coming back slowly.
I'm glad that she's feeling better and able to be back in the gym, and I hope that is the last break she needs to take!
Such great news. Sounds like she has a great PT and hopefully will be able to put this problem behind her.
As you know, my DD had the same back injury but luckily seems to be healed. She does see the PT who owns the company you posted about for her elbow fracture. He is awesome!!
Thank you all for all your support through this!
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