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Jun 4, 2013
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Wall walks don't seem to be helping. My best friend who teaches tumbling said I have no arch in my back. I have lower back pain and it seems like it isn't flexible. My shoulders are fairly flexible. The part I'm scared of is the landing. When I come down I'm going to hit my head. My arms don't bend back very far and so it feels like my head is hanging a lot lower than my arms. I need this skill to get my BWO and back bend kick over I need for team. Its like my arms cant support the fall. I can do 10 pull ups in a row and have no problem holding my weight but with these my arms give in and bend to where I hit my head. Tips are appreciated.

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Never mind I got it tonight on my trampoline! My best friend who can legally in the gymnastics world spot, spot me and said I could do it by myself and didn't need her. Well, I demanded a spot for a few more times until she said she refused since she wasn't even touching me. Well I finally did it over and over again and got it! Super excited, it was all fear and a mind block. But sometimes my head lightly taps it and I'm working on that!!!

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The more you do them, the easier they get. I bet the back pain will go away too. As your muscles get used to the movement, they won't protest as much :) always remember to follow your hands backward.
Wall walks don't seem to be helping. My best friend who teaches tumbling said I have no arch in my back. I have lower back pain and it seems like it isn't flexible. My shoulders are fairly flexible. The part I'm scared of is the landing. When I come down I'm going to hit my head. My arms don't bend back very far and so it feels like my head is hanging a lot lower than my arms. I need this skill to get my BWO and back bend kick over I need for team. Its like my arms cant support the fall. I can do 10 pull ups in a row and have no problem holding my weight but with these my arms give in and bend to where I hit my head. Tips are appreciated.

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"pull ups" are the wrong metric for supporting yourself in a back bend. the correct metric would be if you cold perform 10 handstand push ups or 10 press handstands all against the wall and they don't have to be perfect. understand? pull ups are the opposite range of motion for back bends.
good point thanks! I can do ten. But I will practice them today!

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I'm not sure if I'll be any help, but when I do a backbend I think "up and back", "lead with the hands" "push through the fingers."
Sounds like what you're doing is what my friend is doing on her back bend.... you're perfectly capable of doing it, you just are letting a mental block standing in your way. When you are looking towards the ground, your mental block kicks in, you rush to the floor, and you end up collapsing. The trick is to first do it on a place like the trampoline (but don't keep doing on the tramp for too long, otherwise it's hard get used to the solid surface of the floor. not good.), then do it on a thick mat in the floor. After you can do that without a spot, then do it on a thin mat with a person, not really a spot, but just a safety net. When you can do that without worrying you'll crash, do it on the plain ol' floor. By than you'll have learned the right position, to trust your arms, and have gained the strength to do it both mentally and phyically.

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