We have a 10 year old who struggled to get her ROBHS during the L3 season and is now training L4 and all of a sudden she won't do them. Her mom has reached her breaking point frustration wise because she doesn't understand what is going on. I suggested it may be vestibular (she's 10 and on the taller side) and recommended she look here and do some google searches but based on dunno's posts I told her that no amount of cajoling or yelling or frustration would change it, that it really needed a hands off approach. Her statement was that it's been going on since January, how much longer does it last, because skills assessment is in May and that will determine levels for next season.
I'll admit when I read 15 or 16 my heart sank. Is this true? Or is this when the vestibular system tends to mature? What do I tell this mom who is at a loss with a daughter who has a ton of potential who seems just crestfallen over this and it's causing conflict between mom and daughter?