Adding in my voice. We have homeschooled from the beginning, but not because of gymnastics. However, if DD had to go to PS, she would almost certainly have to quit competitive gymnastics because of practice hours and where we live vs. the gym.
Benefits are:
No homework after getting home from practice
More sleep in the mornings (getting up at 7:30 instead of 6am)
Time to play and mess around between finishing school work and going to practice (she would have to get off the bus and go straight to practice)
And all the other awesome pros to homeschooling.
Benefits are:
No homework after getting home from practice
More sleep in the mornings (getting up at 7:30 instead of 6am)
Time to play and mess around between finishing school work and going to practice (she would have to get off the bus and go straight to practice)
And all the other awesome pros to homeschooling.