WAG Ballet class?

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Like gymnastics, the teacher plays a big role in how effective dance is. I remember growing up one gym I attended has periodic dance classes with teachers who quickly gave up on me because I am clunky, clumsy, and have turned in feet. They didn't take it especially seriously, I remember one who taught us a dance number that she had taught to a group of 6 year olds elsewhere, just not productive.
However, at another gym we received dance instruction during the summer with a pretty rigid and demanding dance teacher. She had us bring a notebook, write down terminology, learn names for things, etc. which I found slightly more productive. I do admit I had a hard time investing in dance because it was such a challenge for me and I never felt like I was making any progress, so why invest myself in something that I was terrible at?
So if you're going to pay for classes, make sure your DD has the right mindset and is working with a teacher willing to really work with her.
This issue has been a source of much discussion in my house. My oldest daughter took ballet from the age of 3 until 10 when she moved to a new gym and a new schedule which didn't offer much time for dance. They have a dance coach who incorporates dance into their practices and we thought that would be sufficient. The dance coach however, encouraged my daughter to go back to dance in addition to the gym hours. The coach could see the difference that ballet had already made in her lines which are apparently very good. My daughter reluctantly agreed this year but wanted to take a contemporary dance class. The only one we could find required her to also take a ballet class. So much discussion about taking two classes on top of school work and all the hours in the gym. I suggested that she talk to her other coaches and see what they said. She talked to the beam coach who was thrilled at the idea of her taking more dance. As result my daughter is now in both classes in addition to what is being offered at the gym.

Dance appears to be an integral part of gymnastics no matter what the level as my daughter is training 10. I have a feeling that she'll be taking dance until she quits gymnastics.

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