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Jun 25, 2012
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So I'm muscular. Obviously, as a level 10 gymnast I train, A LOT. To be honest I don't mind my toned, flat stomach or my legs, lol But my back, shoulders, and arms bother me. I have been told I have "man arms" and "wide shoulders" and that I have a "big, muscular back." It makes it impossible to find a dress that flatters me! My back, shoulders and arms always look weird, like they shouldn't be as wide and big as they are! My non gym friends all have thin delicate arms and shoulders and they look so beautiful. They tease me a lot and even though I know they're kidding it really gets to me. Guys have told me that my arms, back and shoulders are gross and not feminine. I also can't find any shirts that look good on me! The sleeves are always too tight and if I find some that are not too tight then the rest of the shirt is too big! I look ridiculous and being a teenager im becoming so self conscious with my "muscular gymnast body." ): What should I do!? I know it helps me with gym but... Has anyone else struggled with something like this?
My DD has this same problem with clothes! We have found it's easier to buy a size up and tailor things to fit her. She's actually learning how to sew some of her own clothes so she has that extra feeling of accomplishment. I know it's difficult for her as it must be for you, especially at your age. I'll tell you the same thing I tell her, everyone is beautiful in their own way. We can't compare ourselves to others and must find what we like about our own bodies. Anytime a boy makes fun of her muscles she challenges them to a strength contest! Also, tell your friends their comments hurt. They most likely don't know. I'm sorry I don't have the magic answer!
You have worked very hard for those muscles, and you should be proud of them! Any guy who says your muscles are "gross" should be struck off your list of potential dating partners as an irremediable jerk anyway.

Very, very few women can walk into a store and find clothing that's cut to flatter them. This is a failing of clothing designers, not women. If you think that muscular, toned arms can't be attractive, google some images of Michelle Obama. Your body can do amazing things, and you should love it every day for what it can do.

If you're a L10 with those awesome L10 shoulders and arms, you should NOT be hiding them. They are almost certainly very impressive and very beautiful to anyone who can appreciate a strong woman. Your body is a litmus test. Anyone who's too intimidated by how you look to see the beauty in your strength is not in your league.

As for your friends, some of their ribbing may just be a way of trying to come to terms with your passion for your sport. Most teenagers don't have this level of commitment to one thing. If it's bothering you, speak up. Gymnasts can be very tough and stoic, so it can be hard for other people to see when they're hurting.

In 20-30 years, you'll be far prouder and have far stronger memories of what you accomplished in gymnastics than of how you looked in that dress that you wore to the spring fling. And you will look back at photos of yourself in your leo and you will smile at how unbelievably beautiful you were. Trust me on this one. :)
Your friends could also be a teensy jealous of your muscles and your dedication to your sport. I don't have the time or energy to work out like a level 10 but I would love the results. You "don't mind" your flat stomach. You will wish you had that stomach when you don't. Embrace and celebrate the body you have spent hours on.
Bless your heart! My DD is having this same issue at school (but not to that extent). I try to remind her that she's healthy and
Honey, you look precisely the way you're supposed to look. this is 'where' your gymnastics comes from. enjoy it now. your body will return to 'normal' when you're done with gymnastics. :)
There is not a girl in the world your age who isn't worried about her body. Skinny girls want curves... petite girls want long legs... girls with curves want flat stomachs... girls that have booties wish they didn't and vice versa...

You are fit. You have achieved a level of sports excellence that very few people on earth achieve. You are unique. You are strong. As others have said, be proud of your accomplishments and your hard earned body! Guys are irrelevant at this point - don't listen to anything they say. They need many more years of maturation before their opinions count!

Here are two links to styles that flatter fit and muscular body types:



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I was a swimmer. My friends called me Manta...... It bothered me for a while..looking back I know they didn't mean any harm.
it's hard when you are a teenager but put yourself in anyone else's shoes at school who has extra weight, or major zits. Your amazing body is a huge benefit for something you love to do. Do tell your friends, they are not being very good friends.

I have a hard time finding pants for my straight hips....that will never change.
A price to be paid for greatness.

Mary Lou, Alicia, and Aly W all have this problem. A lot of this is genetics + A LOT OF HARD WORK. A lot of female collegiate athletes are like this in gymnastics and other various sports.
Someone needs to design a line of clothes for young athletes! I thought I heard Alicia Acramone was delving into that but have not see any of her clothes out there.

It is a shame and missed part of the market.
You can be sure that all of your friends have major body hang-ups too and they probably feel ok to tease you because they probably think you have an amazing body and can't possibly be sensitive about it. So just explain gently. I think there is a culture shift in which female athletes are becoming the preferred role models over skinny models. Definitely here in the UK, lots of adverts now feature various Olympic stars. About time. Very, very few people will ever get to look as amazing as you. Have a look at pictures of what people like Jordyn Wieber and other gymnasts wear to prom, to awards and so on and first of all you will see how beautiful they look, but also you might get some tips.
You have worked very hard for those muscles, and you should be proud of them! Any guy who says your muscles are "gross" should be struck off your list of potential dating partners as an irremediable jerk anyway.

Very, very few women can walk into a store and find clothing that's cut to flatter them. This is a failing of clothing designers, not women. If you think that muscular, toned arms can't be attractive, google some images of Michelle Obama. Your body can do amazing things, and you should love it every day for what it can do.

If you're a L10 with those awesome L10 shoulders and arms, you should NOT be hiding them. They are almost certainly very impressive and very beautiful to anyone who can appreciate a strong woman. Your body is a litmus test. Anyone who's too intimidated by how you look to see the beauty in your strength is not in your league.

As for your friends, some of their ribbing may just be a way of trying to come to terms with your passion for your sport. Most teenagers don't have this level of commitment to one thing. If it's bothering you, speak up. Gymnasts can be very tough and stoic, so it can be hard for other people to see when they're hurting.

In 20-30 years, you'll be far prouder and have far stronger memories of what you accomplished in gymnastics than of how you looked in that dress that you wore to the spring fling. And you will look back at photos of yourself in your leo and you will smile at how unbelievably beautiful you were. Trust me on this one. :)

I "liked" this post so much that a simple like isn't enough. I agree that the clothing designers aren't designing clothes for you and any girl who's body remotely resembles yours. No..... they're designing clothes for the majority, which seem to be less fit than they'd like to be. Maybe this "majority" is smarter the you and I, and have figured out it's far easier to buy something that fits than it is to be a person who is fit.

You should go to the beach and look to see how many heads turn your way, especially the guys who are about 100 feet away and don't think they'll be noticed. Look for the ones wearing sunglasses (so you can't see their eyes) with their heads turned remotely in your direction.

You gotta understand there's a lot of beach out there to look at...... but what are 9 out of 10 guys finding so interesting that's always happening just off to the right, or the left of you, or a half mile past where you're standing. No, it's not the cartwheels, handstands, or aerials you're doing, and it isn't the surf or cloud formations.....if you know what I mean.

I think more than a few of these comments come from girls who are jealous of your body, and guys who love the way you look but are too timid to counter the negative people who just want to hurt you. Instead, they find themselves saying something to acknowledge the way you look and to let you know they're looking at you, but spare themselves the drama of being "the one" who likes a girl who's not packing a lot of "junk in the trunk."

You gotta admit it's pretty rare for a guy to walk up to a girl and say, in a positive way out loud, what he likes about her body, unless it's a casual reference to sharing a similarity to some pop star or, yuck, Kim Kardashian and her beloved booty. I'll bet you anything that if the female pop stars of today were lucky enough to sport the "guns" you do, there'd be plenty of fans telling you how good you look.

Hmmm........ Have you got a pretty good singing voice?
I'm so sad to hear this as a father of a young female gymnast. It sucks that females aren't allowed to be strong in our society and expected to be frail and delicate.

Please know that there are many people out there who do see the beauty in strength.

Link Removed

CrossFit - Beauty in Strength - YouTube
For what it's worth...I've got 'man shoulders' too, & beefy arms & my lower back and hips are narrow.

At your age it sucked for many of the reasons you are mentioning. And I still can''t get off the rack clothes to fit (except certain skirts and tank tops), but...oh man does my body look goooooood. I'm aging very well, in part bc I'm built like a brick.

Strong is attractive.
So I'm muscular. Obviously, as a level 10 gymnast I train, A LOT. To be honest I don't mind my toned, flat stomach or my legs, lol But my back, shoulders, and arms bother me. I have been told I have "man arms" and "wide shoulders" and that I have a "big, muscular back." It makes it impossible to find a dress that flatters me! My back, shoulders and arms always look weird, like they shouldn't be as wide and big as they are! My non gym friends all have thin delicate arms and shoulders and they look so beautiful. They tease me a lot and even though I know they're kidding it really gets to me. Guys have told me that my arms, back and shoulders are gross and not feminine. I also can't find any shirts that look good on me! The sleeves are always too tight and if I find some that are not too tight then the rest of the shirt is too big! I look ridiculous and being a teenager im becoming so self conscious with my "muscular gymnast body." ): What should I do!? I know it helps me with gym but... Has anyone else struggled with something like this?
embrace it, show it off, relish it, and don't worry about the guys, if they seem confused by your muscles then they are just insecure because you are in better shape then they are. seriously, I use to tell my daughter that when she was younger and it is so true. (I am a dad/coach by the way). Be proud, you earned it. you are a level 10. and you are all beautiful..
Strong is attractive.

This is the bottom line. If the all-grown-up version of you could travel back in time and talk to the now version of you, I guarantee this is what you would tell you. If people give you a hard time, that is what you should tell them. "Strong is beautiful." ( or if that fails, hey, you're stronger than they are. You can just beat them up! ;) )

I do realize that doesn't help with the clothes issue. When you do find something that you like that fits well, try to buy multiples of it, in as many colors as it comes in. And finding someone who knows how to sew and might be willing to help you alter things is a good idea too.

Chalk bucket group hug...:grouphug:
Quite honestly, do you want to deal with insecure guys? Or do you want to deal with weak guys.

No and no.
i agree with the post that mentions that the girls are teasing you because you have an amazing body and can't imagine that you would be self-conscious about it.
The boys....they're probably just mad you're stronger than them!

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