MAG Booster club separate?

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Proud Parent
Nov 28, 2012
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We are at a fairly new gym. They have a girls booster club and it has come up that we ought to have a boys one as well. We have about 40 boys team members. Someone suggested we contact the girls booster club and figure out how to split costs etc. We are more inclined to think that the boys ought to have their own. So my question is, if you have booster clubs are there two? One for each? Any recommendations on starting one up?
Our booster club is for both boys and girls. Ours seems to be very different than others on here, as only people who "join" are members and benefit from it. There are some things the booster club does for everyone, but most of the benefits are just for members.

We do sometimes have issues with fairness. The girls do seem to get more benefit, but we are working on that.
you can do separate. quorum and vote is what should take place first.
we have one booster club for boys and girls. The fees are different for different levels and boys vs. girls though. But all parents have to work at the meets that are put on by the booster club.

Is your club 501(3)(c) non-profit?
Yes. we are a 501c3.
I've seen it both ways and it depends on how they run the boosters. Are the boys going to get the same benefit if they join with the girls. If the girls is a 501c3 already then it may be better to join with the girls. That non-profit status with the 501c3 can have a lot of benefits. I would talk with the booster officers and see if they are open to all the team members being part of the same . I personally would love the one booster club for all team members (boys girls JO Excel etc) The more hands the better.
Thanks for all the suggestions. We're going to have a parent meeting to discuss further (I've talked with a quarter of the parents) and decide which way to go. I'm also reaching out to the girl's booster club to chat.
Im torn right now as some of our gym parents want to see the booster club separate. I don't want to see competition in the gym amongst the parents with fundraising, etc. Anyone have experience with two clubs in one gym? How does it work? Would you change it to one club if you could?

What is the reasoning for them wanting it separate?
That's a great question. I believe it has to do with fundraising and communication issues. Not everyone is of this thinking. A few parents brought the topic up and I thought I would look into it with others who might have some real experience;)
In ours, we are combined. We have a rep for boys and one for girls that is responsible for communication and team things. That helps with some of that.
Our booster club is also combined for boys and girls. I can't imagine a reason for splitting them.
Our boys and girls are separate. I think it has to do with the numbers being so different between boys and girls and the success being so different between them as well.

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