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So I think this week is the coldest week that I've had this winter! Right now it's -10 without the windchill! The next two days aren't any better. Weds.- high of -2 and Thurs.-high of -10 or something like that! I hope one of those days they cancel school.:) What's the coldest day you guys have had this winter so far?
Today it's -26 with a windchill of -36, here's our weather warning for today
Link Removed. AGH! Kids so did not want to go outside, but I still pushed them out and slammed it behind them quickly!!! The bus is heated though, I am sure they be fine, gulp....
I feel like such a spoiled baby reading this after shivering back into the house from dropping off DD at school. 44 degrees, and she was bundled up like a Mount Everest sherpa lol. Her backpack is too big for the needs of a kindergartner, so she has plenty of layers of clothing to stuff in there by the time I pick her up. To add insult to injury, I got a call from my favorite coach ever last night where he bragged about the Cancun classic and the lovely weather. Not to mention the extra 3 days they stayed, margaritas sipped in beachfront jacuzzis...jerkface!
On my way to practice today, we found out school's canceled for tomorrow because they don't want kids standing around in the cold waiting for the bus, but so far this year it's the only day we've had off for weather. The only bad thing about it is that we were supposed to have a home meet tomorrow also, but not anymore.:( I'm not sure yet, but they might cancel Friday too. (It's supposed to be -22 tomorrow by the way... yea..:()
I just opened the front door, the thermometer says -36, Ithe poor little dog did not want to go outside. SOme of the kids here have to wait outside a long time for the bus, luckily mine can stand inside and see the bus coming down the road. Otherwise I'd be driving them.
-24 right now with a high of -8. Ouch, no school today, maybe none tomorrow. It's the cldest I remember in years. Mom has to head out to work though I am sure the minivan will not be happy leaving the garage! Same story here, too many kiddos waiting outside to catch the bus. Hope everyone stays warm and safe.
No school for most of Wisconsin today windchills are to be around -45 all day :eek:
wow- how do you all cope! I feel guilty for complaining about the cold now!

-12 on New Year's Night was the coldest here. We're about 4 right now during the day and O at night. It snowed last night, but it was a bit sleety.
So I think this week is the coldest week that I've had this winter! Right now it's -10 without the windchill! The next two days aren't any better. Weds.- high of -2 and Thurs.-high of -10 or something like that! I hope one of those days they cancel school.:) What's the coldest day you guys have had this winter so far?

Wow its in the 20's now and I was cold standing at the bus stop for like 20 min. I think its supposed to get down to 8 tonight. I thought that was bad. We didn't get off school though.

Btw I love your picture!
Exactly 0 degrees (without windchill) in Missouri today. Plenty cold for me.

I think it's about time for the:

The ChalkBucket International Gymnastics Tour - Cancun Mexico.
School is cancelled again today :) So, were getting a 4 day weekend!!!! Its currently -25 without the wind chill. :eek:
5 day weekend for us!! Both cold days were supposed to be finals!!! It's every student's dream! :) -40 to -50 windchills yay!

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