Hello all. I know I had a problem with this when I was younger in gymnastics, and am still working on it today. I have a pretty young group of kids 5-7 year olds and some older. A lot of them have an extreme lack of body awareness when they're doing their skills. A lot of my kids have trouble with pointing their toes in cartwheels and jumps. I don't stress too much about that because it just seems to be a hard concept for them to get, but I have a few kids who could be really good if they had better body awareness. I have this one girl who has her bridge kick over, very close to her back hip circle, etc. Her form is terrible though. Her legs are bent in EVERYTHING she does. I show her how she looks, I try to use anything I can think of for her to keep her leg straight, but she just doesn't feel it. She's just unaware of what her legs are doing when she cartwheels, handstands, casts, tap swings, etc.
Is there a way to teach body awareness and in this 1 girls case a way to teach straight legs? I started having her do leg lift on the floor (don't know what they are called). She sits in a straddle with tight legs and lifts 1 leg up 10x or whatever I say and the other leg. I also do this same thing in pike position. Will this help any?
I tried doing side handstands and step out like a cartwheel against a wall. She keeps her leg straight through these drills but once I ask her to do a cartwheel she goes back to bent legs (or rather 1 bent leg).
Is there a way to teach body awareness and in this 1 girls case a way to teach straight legs? I started having her do leg lift on the floor (don't know what they are called). She sits in a straddle with tight legs and lifts 1 leg up 10x or whatever I say and the other leg. I also do this same thing in pike position. Will this help any?
I tried doing side handstands and step out like a cartwheel against a wall. She keeps her leg straight through these drills but once I ask her to do a cartwheel she goes back to bent legs (or rather 1 bent leg).